Jahe merah memiliki komponen volatile minyak atsiri sebanyak 2,58 hingga 3,90 persen dan nonvolatile oleoresin sebanyak 3 persen. Madu memiliki senyawa Fe yang dapat meningkatkan jumlah eritrosit dalam darah manusia dan dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin. Gelatin apabila dipanaskan akan membentuk sol dan bila didinginkan akan membentuk gel kembali sehingga cocok untuk pembuatan permen jeli. Rekayasa ini bertujuan untuk memilih konsentrasi madu yang paling optimum, mengetahui hasil uji tingkat kesukaan, menghitung kandungan gizi, dan menentukan harga jual. Rekayasa dilakukan secara uji coba, sampel dibuat menjadi 3 formula dengan variasi konsentrasi madu 30 persen, 35 persen, dan 40 persen. Hasil rekayasa menunjukkan bahwa permen jeli dengan konsentrasi madu 35 persen yang paling optimum. Hasil penilaian tingkat kesukaan terhadap 30 responden, 43 persen responden menyatakan suka terhadap warna permen, 30 persen responden menyatakan suka terhadap aroma permen, 47 persen responden menyatakan suka tehadap tekstur permen, 37 persen responden menyatakan suka terhadap rasa permen. Kandungan gizi dari permen per 140 gram menghasilkan Energi 318,37 kkal, Protein 37,01 g, Lemak 0,31 g, Karbohidrat 42,87 g, Kalsium 8,99 g, Fosfor 28,06 g, Zat Besi 1,52 g, Vit A 9,28 g, Vit B1 0,01 g dan Vit C 3,24 g. Harga jual permen jeli per 140 gram sebesar Rp. 23.828.
Red Ginger has a volatile component essential oil as much as 2.58 up to 3.90 percent and nonvolatile oleoresin as much as 3 percent. Honey has Fe compounds which can increase the amount of erythrocytes in human blood and can increase hemoglobin levels. Gelatin when heated will form a sol and when cooled it will form a gel again making it suitable for jelly candy making. This engineering aims to choose the most optimum honey concentration, find out the results of the test of preference level, calculate the nutritional content, and determine the selling price. Engineering was carried out by trial and error, samples were made into 3 formulas with variations in the concentration of honey 30 percent, 35 percent, and 40 percent. Engineering results show that jelly candy with the highest concentration of 35 percent honey. The results of the assessment of the level of likeness of 30 respondents, 43 percent of respondents said they liked the color of candy, 30 percent of respondents said they liked the aroma of candy, 47 percent of respondents said they liked the texture of candy, 37 percent of respondents said they liked the taste of candy. The nutritional content of sweets per 140 grams produces 318.37 kcal Energy, 37.01 g protein, Fat 0.31 g, Carbohydrates 42.87 g, Calcium 8.99 g, Phosphorus 28.06 g, Iron 1.52 g, Vit A 9.28 g, Vit B1 0.01 g, and Vit C 3.24 g. The selling price of jelly candy per 140 grams is Rp. 23,828.