National standards of education require each level
of education to develop education optimally according to the characteristics
and specifics of its program. SMK as one of the formal forms of education at
the level of secondary education has a program to prepare its students to work
in a particular field. This requirement requires teachers and students to adapt
by creating a learning atmosphere that makes it easier to those requirements.
This research aims to know the influence, learning
outcomes and responses of students from the application of PBL on the EFI
system material of PKKR class XI TKR SMKN 1 Jabon. The research method uses
quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control group design. The subject
of this research is XI TKR 1 as a control class and XI TCR 2 as an experimental
class. The data is then analyzed using a normality test, a homogenity test and
an independent sample t-test.
The results of the study showed that: (1) The
learning outcome from the students on the Pre-Test for the control class of
1590 had an average of 49,69 while at the time of the Post-Test there was an
increase in the total of 2420 scores with a average of 75,625. Further for the
experimental class, at the time of Pre-Test obtained a total score of 1605 with
an average of 50,16 and at the moment of Post-Test there was an increase of a
total of 2635 with a average of 82,34. (2) The PBL model is significantly influential,
depicted through the data obtained tested normality using the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and tested homogenity using the Levene test with the
result of the significance of all data > 0,05 so that the data is declared
normal and homogeneous. The hypothesis was then tested using an independent
sample t-test with the result of a significance value of 0,001<0,05 so that
Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. (3) The response of the pupils to the
application of the PBL model received an average presentation of 85,627%, so it
can be categorized in a very good category.
From the results, it
can be concluded that the PBL model influenced the learning outcomes on the EFI
system material of maintenance of light vehicles subjects demonstrated by the
independent sample t-test results, the learning results in the experimental
class as well as the student's response to the application of PBL models.