Rosalina, Rosi. 2019, Pengaruh Latihan Core Stability Plank dan Core Stability Superman Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Perut dan Keseimbangan. Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga. Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Pembimbing : Dr. Oce Wiriawan, M.Kes dan Dr. Edy Mintarto M.Kes.
Kata Kunci : Latihan, Core Stability, kekuatan, keseimbangan
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan performa fisik otot perut dan keseimbangan siswa ekstrakurikuler putra SMAN 1 Kota Probolinggo yang memiliki kelemahan saat dilakukan evaluasi fisik.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen semu.
Latihan Core stability merupakan bentuk latihan yang cukup beraneka ragam. Dalam penilitian ini peneliti hanya menggunakan dua bentuk latihan yaitu core stability plank dan core stability superman. Tiga puluh siswa yang terpilih sesuai kriteria dilakukan pretest dan pemeringkatan sehingga masuk dalm pengelompokkan Core stability plank, core stability superman dan kontrol. Sit up 30 detik dan Balance Beam test digunakan untuk mengukur peningkatan kinerja fisik. Ketiga kelompok berpartisipasi dalam penelitian tiga hari dalam seminggu yang dilaksanakan selama enam minggu atau 18 kali pertemuan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh latihan core stability plank dan core stability superman terhadap peningkatan kekutan otot perut dan keseimbangan.
Sehingga dapat disimpulkan dari penelitian ini bahwa latihan core stability plank dan core stability superman keduanya efektif untuk meningkatakan komponen kondisi fisik kekuatan otot perut dan keseimbangan.
Rosalina, Rosi. 2019, Effect of Core Stability Plank Exercise and Superman Core Stability on Strength of Abdominal Muscles and Balance. Thesis. Sport Education Study Program. Postgraduate Program of Surabaya State University, Advisor: Dr. Oce Wiriawan, M.Kes and Dr. Edy Mintarto M.Kes.
Keywords: Exercise, Core Stability, strength, balance
The purpose of this study was to improve the physical performance of the abdominal muscles and the balance of extracurricular students of SMAN 1 Kota Probolinggo who had a weakness during a physical evaluation. The type of research used was quantitative with quasi-experimental methods.
Core stability training is a form of exercise that is quite diverse. In this research, researchers only used two forms of exercise, namely core stability plank and superman core stability. Thirty students selected according to criteria were pretested and ranked so that they were included in the grouping of Core stability plank, superman core control and control. Sit ups are 30 seconds and Balance Beam tests are used to measure physical performance improvements. The three groups participated in the study three days a week which was held for six weeks or 18 meetings.
The results of this study indicate the effect of core stability plank training and superman core stability on increasing abdominal muscle tightness and balance. So it can be concluded from this study that core stability plank exercises and superman core stability are both effective in increasing the physical condition components of abdominal muscle strength and balance.