Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan aplikasi angket kebutuhan peserta didik dalam penyusunan progam kerja BK. Penelitian ini menggunakan model RnD (Research and Development). Penelitian ini memiliki 4 langkah meliputi: 1). Analisis produk yang di kembangkan, 2). membuat draf produk awal, 3).Validasi ahli dan pengguna dan 4) Revisi hasil berdasarkan uji ahli praktisi (Borg And Gall yang di sederhanakan oleh tim Puslitjavnov : 2008)
Teknik analisis yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini berbentuk kuantatif dan kualitatif. Nilai yang di peroleh dari validator ahli materi meliputi aspek kegunaan rata-rata mendapatkan sebesar 93,8%, aspek kelayakan mendapatkan rata-rata 100%, aspek ketepatan mendapatkan rata-rata 93,8% dan aspek kepatutan mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 87,5%. Hasil rata-rata dari keseluruhan sebesar 94,6% yang menunjukan kriteria sangat baik dan tidak perlu di revisi. Penilaian dari validator ahli media aspek kegunaan dengan mendapatkan rata-rata sebesar 75 %, aspek kelayakan dengan rata-rata 83%, aspek ketepatan mendapatkan rata-rata 94% dan aspek kepatutan dengan rata-rata 96%. Hasil nilai rata-rata ahli praktisi keseluruhan sebesar 89% yang menunjukan kriteria sangat baik dan tidak perlu di revisi. Selanjutnya untuk penilaian dari calon pengguna yaitu guru bimbingan dan konseling, meliputi aspek kegunaan dengan rata-rata 100%, aspek kelayakan dengan rata-rata 93,8%, aspek ketepatan dengan rata-rata 100% dan rata-rata aspek kepatutan mendapatkan rata-rata 100%. Hasil nilai rata-rata ahli pengguna keseluruhan sebesar 98% yang menunjukan kriteria sangat baik dan tidak perlu untuk di revisi. Data kualitatif penelitian ini berupa saran dan masukan dari ahli materi juga media yang telah di perbaiki. Sehingga pengembangan aplikasi need assessment siswa untuk penyusunan progam BK di SMP memenuhi kriteria aksepbilitas.
Kata kunci : Pengembangan, Aplikasi, Need Assessment, Progam BK
The research is aimed at generating application questionnaire needs of the participant students in the preparation of Guidance and Counseling program. This research uses the RnD ( Research and Development ) model . Research in i have 4 steps include : 1). Analysis of the products are in developed , 2). create a draft product early , 3). Validation of experts and users and 4) Revision of the results based on test experts ( Borg And Gall are in sede rhanakan by team Puslitjavnov : 2008)
Mechanical analysis are in use in the study of this form of quantitative and qualitative . Values are in obtained from the validator expert materials covering aspects of usability average gain of 93.8%, aspects of the feasibility of getting an average of 100%, aspects of precision to get an average of 93.8% and aspects of propriety get an average of 87, 5% The results of the average of the overall sebe s ar 94 , 6 %, which indicates the criteria very well and do not need to be in the revision . P enilaian of validator expert media aspects of usability to get an average of 75%, aspects of feasibility with an average of 83 % , aspects of precision to get an average of 94% and aspects of propriety with an average of 96%. The results of the average of the overall sebe s ar 89 %, which indicates the criteria very well and do not need to be in the revision . Furthermore, for the assessment of prospective users, namely guidance and counseling teachers , covering aspects of usability with an average of 100%, aspects of eligibility with an average of 93.8%, aspects of accuracy with an average of 100% and on average aspects of appropriateness get average 100% average. The results of the average of the overall sebe s ar 98%, which indicates the criteria very well and do not need to in the revision . Data qualitative research is in the form of advice and input from experts materials are also media which has been in repair . So that the development of students' need assessment applications for the preparation of Guidance and Counseling program in junior high school meets the acceptability criteria .
Keywords: Development, Application, Need Assessment, BK Program