Numeracy is the ability for thinking to use concepts, procedures, facts, and a mathematical tool for
explaining many events, problem solving, or retrieving decisions in daily life. The equivalent problem of AKM numeracy description type is the question that
equivalent to the minimum assessment of question that developed by government by getting used to critical thinking
through the context of daily life that it can not be solved by routine procedures but rather through using the concepts, procedures, facts and mathematical tools to solve
problems and their answers are demanding students to express these ideas in the
form of written description. This
research aims to describe the types of students errors to make problem solving that
equivalent to numeracy of AKM, the
causal factors, and scaffolding form to minimize these errors. Based on the results of the AKM numeracy test, the
researcher choose 3 students of ninth grades of junior high school at SMPN 25 Surabaya as subjects in this
research are suitable of established criteria. The data collection technique is
carried out by giving tests problems equivalent to AKM
numeracy and interviews. Data analysis techniques are carried out based on
indicator of student errors. The
results obtained in this research are the types of errors made by students include of reading
errors, can not read correctly of the words or terms or symbols that contained
in the problem and can not read correctly the information contained in the problem, comprehension errors, can not explain correctly about
what they know and ask of the problem, and can not explain the problem by using
their own words, transformation errors, can not explain the relationship of
concepts about problem solving correctly and can not make systematic steps in process
of problem solving correctly, process skills errors, can not calculate
correctly, can not use mathematical rules correctly, and can not process
further solutions correctly of the problem, and encoding errors, can not write the
conclusions correctly. Research results shows that students still
doing errors to solve the problem that equivalent to AKM numeracy, so they need scaffolding in the form
of : questions, instructions, reminders, directions,
or encouragement to minimize their errors. The scaffolding is given by researcher adjusted to the errors made by
students in completing the test that equivalent to AKM numeration.