Post-Truth Era: Ancaman Polarisasi Melalui Grup Whatsapp Keluarga
Post-Truth Era: The Threat of Polarization Through Family Whatsapp Groups
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap pengalaman subjek sebagai terdampak persebaran hoax melalui grup Whatsapp keluarga, bagaimana subjek menyikapi perdebatan didalam keluarganya, dan apa implikasinya terhadap dirinya sendiri maupun keluarganya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian ditentukan secara purposif dengan melihat dan mempertimbangkan seberapa aktif diskusi yang terbentuk pada grup Whatsapp keluarganya. Data dirangkum melalui wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tiga tema dominan, yaitu pengalaman hoax dalam keluarga, perdebatan didalam keluarga, dan presepsi dan harapan terhadap keluarga yang diharapkan oleh subjek selaku penerima hoax. Secara umum penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa generasi muda cukup mampu dalam menyaring berita-berita mana yang benar atau hoax sedangkan orang tua lebih sering menerima informasi begitu saja tanpa diikuti dengan literasi yang mumpuni. Hal ini yang kemudian membuat grup Whatsapp keluarga malah menjadi sebuah tempat perdebatan antar dua kubu anggota keluarga. Terdapat keresahan jika terjadi perdebatan didalam keluarga subjek namun subjek juga menerima hal tersebut dan memberikan pengertian berupa literasi yang cukup terhadap anggota keluarga yang lain terkait berita-berita yang belum diketahui kebenarannya.
This study aims to reveal the subject's experience as being affected by the spread of hoaxes through family Whatsapp groups, how the subject responds to debates within his family, and what are the implications for himself and his family. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods. The research subjects were determined purposively by looking at and considering how active the discussions were in the family's Whatsapp group. Data were summarized through semi-structured interviews. The results of this study indicate three dominant themes, namely the experience of hoaxes in the family, debates within the family, and the perceptions and expectations of the family that are expected by the subject as the recipient of the hoax. In general, this study concludes that the younger generation is quite capable of filtering out which news is true or hoax, while older people often take information for granted without being followed by qualified literacy. This then made the family Whatsapp group a place of debate between the two camps of family members. There is unrest if there is a debate within the subject's family but the subject also accepts this and provides understanding in the form of sufficient literacy to other family members regarding news that is not yet known to be true.