Jaranan Pegon
Trenggalek is a form of cultural arts in Trenggalek Regency. Jaranan Pegon is
closely related to the ritual of offering offerings. The Jaranan Pegon offering
ritual has its own differences and peculiarities compared to other offering
rituals. Meanwhile, what was studied was the offering ritual at the Jaranan
Pegon Trenggalek stage in Surodakan Village, Trenggalek District, Trenggalek
Regency. The purpose of this research is to find the origins, sequence of
events, form and meaning of equipment, function, and how to preserve the ritual
of offering offerings in the Jaranan Pegon Trenggalek performance in Surodakan
Village. This research uses folklore theory according to James Danandjaja, and
specifically semi-oral folklore. Apart from that, it also uses Alo Liliweri's
theory of meaning, function theory by Koentjaraningrat, and Sendjaja's theory
of how to preserve. This research uses a qualitative descriptive research
method. The data in this research was obtained from interview techniques,
observation and documentation.
The results of this
research reveal the origins of the offering ritual in the Jaranan Pegon
Trenggalek performance in Surodakan Village, Trenggalek District,
Trenggalek Regency which is related to history and legend. The ritual of
serving Jaranan Pegon Trenggalek cannot be separated from the origin of the
creation of Jaranan Pegon Trenggalek. The origin of the name pegon itself comes
from the word 'pego' which means woven bamboo. Because the tools used are made
from woven bamboo and are shaped like horses. There are three series of events.
There are three parts to the series of events, preparation (visiting ancestors),
implementation (umbul-umbul), and closing (murwakala). In the implementation
there are figures and supporting players. Ubarampe offerings include the main
ones (plantains, coconuts, cok bakal, cigarettes, glass, fanbo, combs, powder,
candy, incense, boreh flowers, telon flowers) and complementary ones (buceng
kuwat, gimbal-sugar gringsing sugar, jenang abang- jenang sengkala, jenang
sewu, parem, dawet, rujak uyub, flower setaman, coconut mudan and coconut
leaves). As well as supporting tools. The ritual function of offering offerings
in the Jaranan Pegon Trenggalek performance in Surodakan Village is that it has
social, cultural, economic, spiritual and devotional functions. Meanwhile, the
way to preserve the ritual of offering offerings on the Jaranan Pegon
Trenggalek stage is with the concept of cultural experience and cultural
Keywords: Ritual, Offerings,
Jaranan Pegon Trenggalek, Folklore