ABSTRACT Sari, Indah
Putri Maulidya, 2023. Development of
Physics Learning Tools Project Based Learning-STEM Model "Prototype
Passive House" to Improve High School Students' Problem Solving Skills . Thesis.
Magister of Science Education Program, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Surabaya:
(1) Prof. Dr. Budi Jatmiko, M.Pd. dan
(2) Prof. Nadi Suprapto, M.Pd., Ph.D.
Learning Tools, Project Based
Learning-STEM, Passive House, Problem Solving Skills.
research aims to produce a physics learning tool with the Project Based Learning -STEM "Prototype Passive House " model that is feasible (valid,
practical, and effective) in improving high school students' problem-solving
skills on heat and heat transfer. The development of this learning tool uses
the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, Evaluation ) model. The trial design used was one pre-test
and post-test design. The learning tools developed were tested on 102 students
at SMA Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo and 50 students at SMAN 1 Waru. Data collection was
carried out using validation, observation, tests, and questionnaire methods.
Data analysis techniques use the percentage
of agreement , simpled paired t-test,
N-Gain calculation, and independent t-test . The results of the research show that the learning tools developed
are feasible because they meet valid criteria for improving problem-solving
skills in terms of the validity of the teaching module which consists of core
components, teaching materials, worksheets, and cognitive question instruments
of 4. In addition, the tools developed are also practical in terms of the
results of the implementation of learning and student activities during
learning and effectiveness seen from the positive responses of students in both
experimental classes in two schools and seen from the results of students'
problem-solving skills tests: 1) there was an increase in problem-solving
skills scores after implementing learning with the tools developed which was
statistically significant at alpha 0.05; 2) average N-Gain in the two experimental classes in two medium category
schools; 3) the average N-Gain is not
different between the two experimental classes at two different schools. Thus,
the Project Based Learning-STEM model learning tool "Prototype Passive
House" can be used to improve high school students' problem-solving skills
in heat and heat transfer material.