Video Animasi Augmented Reality Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Belajar Anak Spektrum Autis
Augmented Reality Animated Video To Improve Autistic Spectrum Children's Learning Activities
Kegiatan belajar jarak jauh akibat Covid 19 membuat siswa jenuh sehingga aktivitasnya belajarnya menjadi turun. Dalam proses belajar anak dengan autis dibutuhkan media yang menarik perhatiannya agar aktivitas belajarnya sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Video Animasi digunakan sebagai salah satu media terutama yang menggunkana system augmented reality sehingga objek lebih nyata mirip lingkungan asli yang dilihat anak. Tujuan penelitian ini mendiskripsikan aktivitas belajar anak autis menggunakan video animasi augmented reality dalam pembelajatan jarak jauh di masa pandemi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode literature riview yang menganalisis beberapa artikel dan temuan sebelumnya yang berkaitan dengan judul penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa pada penelitian jenis Action Research menunjukan pada siklus awal memperoleh hasi 69,5%. Setiap siklus mendapatkan peningkatan sebesar 2% sehingga pada siklus akhir hasil yang diperoleh dalam meningkatkan aktivitas belajar anak spektrum autis sebesar 85,3%. Pada penelitian jenis Study Literatur menunjukan bahwa teori dan dan penelitian mendukung adanya proses belajar dengan menggunakan media video animasi augmented reality dapat meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa autis. Kesimpulan dari hasil analisis data adalah proses belajar anak autis membutuhkan media yang menarik perhatiannya agar aktivitas belajarnya berjalan baik. Media Video Animasi Augmented Reality menjadi solusi kejenuhan media pembelajaran dimasa pandemi Covid 19.
Kata kunci : Anak Autis, Video Animasi , Aktivitas belajar
Distance learning activities due to Covid 19 have made students bored so that their learning activities have decreased. In the learning process of children with autism, media is needed that attracts their attention so that their learning activities are in accordance with the learning objectives. Video Animation is used as one of the media, especially those that use augmented reality systems so that objects are more real like the original environment that children see. The purpose of this study is to describe learning activities for autistic children using augmented reality animated videos in distance learning during the pandemic. This study uses the literature review method which analyzes several articles and previous findings related to the research title. Data analysis was carried out with a quantitative approach. The results of the analysis show that the type of Action Research research shows that in the initial cycle the results are 69,5%. Each cycle gets an increase of 2% so that in the final cycle the results obtained in increasing the learning activities of children with autism spectrum are 85,3%. In this type of study literature research shows that theory and research support the learning process by using augmented reality animated video media to increase learning activities of autistic students. The conclusion from the results of data analysis is that the learning process of autistic children requires media that attracts their attention so that their learning activities run well. Augmented Reality Animated Video Media is a solution to the saturation of learning media during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Keywords : Autistic Children, Animated Videos, Learning Activities