Name : Angelina
Ariesta Dewi
Program : Drama Dance and Music Arts
: Language and Art
of Institution : State University
of Surabaya
Supervisor : Agus Suwahyono,
S.Sn., M.Pd.
Year :
The music of "Oversee" is a
programmatic musical work written based on the composer's personal experience,
namely the composer's desire to always preserve nature, the desire to preserve
nature arises when the composer is hiking in one of the mountains that is
located not far from the city of Surabaya, namely Pundak Mountain located in
Mojokerto. The hiking activity was initially carried out to relieve the
composer's anxiety about the hustle and bustle of the city, but at the time the
composer was amazed by the beauty of nature, to make the composer eager to
always preserve nature.
This musical work consists of 143 bars
and is divided into three major parts, namely 1kp, 2kp, and 3kp. In each of
these large sections are still divided again into small parts or called
sentences, in the 1kp section there are sentences A, B, and C, the 2kp section
contains sentences D, E, F, and G, then in the 3kp section there are sentences
H, I, J, and K. In the first part (1kp) it is played on the F Major scale with
4/4 and uses the tempo andante. In the second part (2kp) in some sentences
there are some changes in the stairs to Bb, and changes in sukat to 6/8, and
4/4 with the maestoso tempo. In the third part (3kp) there is also a change in
the scale of the note to Ab, G, and ends with the A.
Based on the writing of the focus of
this musical work rests on the science of harmony, namely the use of progress
chords from the notation that is arranged so as to form a nuance as a depiction
of the atmosphere in accordance with the storyline, and the use of harmony
types. In studying this musical work the composer uses descriptive methods with
a science approach to the form of music analysis.
Keywords: Harmony, Chord Progressions,