Peneltian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan Single Subject Research (SSR) desain A-B. Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di SLB Harmoni Gedangan. Subjek penelitian seorang peserta didik autis yang berada di kelas II. Peneliti menggunakan observasi sebagai teknik pengumpulan data terkait kemampuan awal perhatian peserta didik tanpa diberikan intervensi dan kemampuan perhatian peserta didik setelah diberikan intervensi. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah instrumen observasi waktu (durasi). Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis visual dalam kondisi dan analisi antar kondisi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan signifikan pada kemampuan perhatian peserta didik autis setelah diberikan treatment Finger Painting. Hal ini berdasarkan pada hasil analisis visual dalam kondisi yang menunjukkan kecenderungan stabilitas hasil data stabil dengan presentase 100%, garis pada estimasi kecenderungan mempunyai hasil yang sama yaitu arah trendnya meningkat, level stabilitas dan rentang menunjukkan data yang variabel dengan rentang 12,59-14,75, dan level perubahan menunjukkan tanda (+) yang berarti kemampuan perhatian meningkat. Pada analisis antar kondisi perubahan kecenderungan arah meningkat, Perubahan stabilitas juga menunjukkan data stabil ke stabil, Peubahan level menunjukkan data (+) yang berarti meningkat dan presentase overlap data menunjukkan 0% yang berarti bahwa program intervensi berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan perhatian peserta didik autis. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Finger Painting memberikan pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan perhatian peserta didik autis. Implikasi dari penelitian ini manfaat finger painting menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam kemampuan perhatian peserta didik autis.
Attention is essential for achieving good results in activities. If a person cannot focus on the activity at hand, they will be slower to complete it and hinder other activities. This study aims to analyze the effect of finger painting in improving the attention ability of students with autism.
This research uses an experimental method with Single Subject Research (SSR) A-B design. The research location was carried out at SLB Harmoni Gedangan. The research subject is an autistic learner who is in class II. Researchers used observation as a data collection technique related to the initial ability of students' attention without being given intervention and the ability of students' attention after being given intervention. The instrument used is a time (duration) observation instrument. Data were analyzed using visual analysis within conditions and analysis between conditions.
The results showed a significant increase in the attention ability of autistic students after being given Finger Painting treatment. This is based on the results of visual analysis in conditions that show the tendency of stability of stable data results with a percentage of 100%, the line on the trend estimation has the same results, namely the direction of the trend is increasing, the level of stability and range show variable data with a range of 12.59-14.75, and the level of change shows a sign (+) which means that the ability to pay attention is increasing. In the analysis between conditions, the change in direction trend increases, stability changes also show stable to stable data, level changes show data (+) which means increasing and the percentage of data overlap shows 0% which means that the intervention program has an effect on the attention skills of autistic students. The conclusion of this study shows that Finger Painting has an influence in improving the attention skills of autistic students. The implication of this study is that the benefits of finger painting show a significant increase in the attention skills of autistic students.