Pengaruh kualitas produk dan citra merek terhadap loyalitas merek sepatu Adidas di Surabaya
The influence of product quality and brand image on brand loyalty for Adidas shoes in Surabaya
Persaingan industri fashion olahraga yang semakin ketat mendorong setiap perusahaan untuk memiliki strategi
supaya dapat menarik kepuasan pelanggan Indonesia agar lebih memilih produk fashion olahraga. Dalam
penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Product quality dan Brand image terhadap Brand loyalty
sepatu Adidas yang dimediasi melalui Customer satisfaction. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian
kuantitatif. Seluruh konsumen sepatu Adidas merupakan populasi dalam penelitian ini. Teknik pengambilan
sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling yang berjumlah 100 responden. Kriteria responden dalam
penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang menggunakan dan membeli sepatu Adidas lebih dari satu kali dengan usia
18 tahun ke atas dan berdomisili di kota Surabaya. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Untuk mengetahui
data penelitian ini menerapkan Teknik structural Equation Modeling (SEM) berbaasis varians khususnya Partial
Least Square (PLS) yang dikalkulasikan dengan aplikasi SmartPLS 4.0. uji yang dilakukan meliputi outer model,
inner model. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa product quality tidak berpengaruh terhadap Brand loyalty,
Brand image tidak berpengaruh terhadap Brand loyalty, Customer satisfaction berpengaruh terhadap Brand
loyalty, product quality berpengaruh terhadap Customer satisfaction, Brand image berpengaruh terhadap
Customer satisfaction, product quality tidak berpengaruh terhadap Brand loyalty melalui Customer satisfaction,
Brand image tidak berpengaruh terhadap Brand loyalty melalui Customer satisfaction.
The increasingly fierce competition in the sports fashion industry encourages every company to have a strategy
to attract satisfied Indonesian customers so they prefer sports fashion products. This research aims to determine
the influence of product quality and Brand image on Brand loyalty for Adidas shoes which is mediated through
Customer satisfaction. This type of research uses quantitative research. All Adidas shoe consumers constitute the
population in this study. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling method, totaling 100 respondents.
The criteria for respondents in this research are consumers who use and buy Adidas shoes more than once, aged
18 years and over and domiciled in the city of Surabaya. Data collection uses questionnaires. To find out the
research data, we apply the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique based on variance, especially Partial
Least Square (PLS) which is calculated using the SmartPLS 4.0 application. The tests carried out include external
models and internal models. The research results show that product quality has no effect on Brand loyalty, Brand
image has no effect on Brand loyalty, Customer satisfaction has an effect on Brand loyalty, product quality has
an effect on Customer satisfaction, Brand image has an effect on Customer satisfaction, product quality has no
effect on Brand loyalty through customers satisfaction, Brand image has no effect on Brand loyalty through
Customer satisfaction.