(Perspektif Teori Identitas Budaya Stuart Hall)
Representation of Cultural Identity Using in the novel Kerudung Santet Gandrung by Hasnan Singodimayan and Wanita Bersampur Merah by Intan Andaru (Stuart Hall's Cultural Identity Split Theory Perspective)
Izzah, Nilatul. 2021. Representasi Identitas Budaya Using dalam Novel Kerudung Santet Gandrung Karya Hasnan Singodimayan dan Perempuan Bersampur Merah Karya Intan Andaru (Perspektif Teori Keterpecahan Identitas Budaya Stuart Hall). Tesis. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M. A., dan (II) Dr. Setijawan, M. Hum.
Kata Kunci: Identitas, Budaya, Subjek, Pencerahan, Sosiologis, Postmodern
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendekripsikan dan menemukan adanya identitas budaya dalam novel Hasnan Singodimayan dan Intan Andaru berdasarkan perspektif teori keterpecahan identitas budaya. Keterpecahan identits sendiri meliputi tiga hal yakni subjek pencerahan, subjek sosiologis dan subjek postmodern. Sehingga fokus pada penelitian ini yaitu identitas diri tokoh, akulturasi sosialbudaya, dan identitas jamak pada tokoh. Novel yang diteliti yaitu novel Kerudung Santet Gandrung dan Perempuan Bersampur Merah. Jenis dari penelitian ini yaitu penelitian kulititatif, dimana penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deksriptif kualitatif. Sumber data pada penelitian ini yaitu dua novel dan data penelitian ini yaitu berupa ungkapan, frasa dan kalimat yang mendukung penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara studi pustaka sedangkan untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik hermeneutik objektif Hans-georg Gadamer. Teori yang digunakan yaitu teori keterpecahan identitas budaya milik Stuart Hall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa identitas budaya pada dua novel tersebut terdapat pada identitas diri tokoh yang dapat ditemukan melalui ciri fisik, status sosial, dan karakter tokoh. Kemudian pada akulturasi sosial budaya dapat ditemukan pada interaksi batin individu tokoh dengan lingkup yang sempit dan interaksi sosial individu dengan lingkungan. Sedangkan pada identitas jamak dapat ditemukan melalui modernitas dan perubahan, serta globalisasi.
Izzah, Nilatul. 2021. Representation of Cultural Identity Using in the novel Kerudung Santet Gandrung by Hasnan Singodimayan and Wanita Bersampur Merah by Intan Andaru (Stuart Hall's Cultural Identity Split Theory Perspective). Thesis. Language and Literature Education Study Program. Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya. Advisor (I) Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, MA. and (II) Dr. Setijawan, M. Hum.
Keywords: Identity, Culture, Subject, Enlightenment, Sociology, Postmodern
This study aims to describe and discover the existence of cultural identity in Hasnan Singodimayan and Intan Andaru novels based on the perspective of the split theory of cultural identity. The split identity itself includes three things, namely the enlightenment subject, the sociological subject and the postmodern subject. So that the focus of this research is the self-identity of the characters, socio-cultural acculturation, and the plural identities of the characters. The novels studied were the novel Kerudung Santet Gandrung and Perempuan Bersampur Merah. The type of this research is qualitative research, where this research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Sources of data in this study are two novels and the research data is in the form of expressions, phrases and sentences that support the research. The technique of collecting data is by means of literature study, while the data analysis technique uses Hans-georg Gadamer's objective hermeneutic technique. The theory used is Stuart Hall's theory of the disunity of cultural identity. The results showed that the cultural identity in the two novels was found in the personal identity of the characters which could be found through physical characteristics, social status, and character characters. Then the socio-cultural acculturation can be found in the inner interaction of individual characters with a narrow scope and the social interaction of the individual with the environment. Meanwhile, multiple identities can be found through modernity and change, as well as globalization. The results showed that the cultural identity in the two novels was found in the personal identity of the characters which could be found through physical characteristics, social status, and character characters. Then the socio-cultural acculturation can be found in the inner interaction of individual characters with a narrow scope and the social interaction of the individual with the environment. Meanwhile, multiple identities can be found through modernity and change, as well as globalization. The results showed that the cultural identity in the two novels was found in the personal identity of the characters which could be found through physical characteristics, social status, and character characters. Then the socio-cultural acculturation can be found in the inner interaction of individual characters with a narrow scope and the social interaction of the individual with the environment. Meanwhile, multiple identities can be found through modernity and change, as well as globalization.