Mayshita, Nur Elfiansi. 2020. Pengaruh Permainan Tradisional “Bakiak Beregu” Terhadap Kemampuan Sosial-Emosional Dan Motorik Kasar Anak Usia 5 – 6 Tahun Di TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Dasar Konsentrasi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. dan (2) Dr. Miftakhul Jannah, M.Si.Psikolog.
Kata Kunci:
Permainan Tradisional “Bakiak Beregu”, Kemampuan Sosial-Emosional, Kemampuan Motorik Kasar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) Menganalisis pengaruh permainan tradisional “bakiak beregu” terhadap kemampuan sosial-emosional anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo dan (2) Menganalisis pengaruh permainan tradisional “bakiak beregu” terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar anak usia 5-6 tahun di TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo.
Desain penelitian menggunakan metode Penelitian “quasy experimental design” yang membagi kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Kelompok eksperimen diberi perlakuan dengan permainan tradisional “bakiak beregu” sedangkan kelompok kontrol. Kedua kelompok ini di analisis berdasarkan nilai postes kemampuan sosial-emosional dan motorik kasar anak. Penelitian dilakukan di TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo pada kelompok B1 sebagai kelas eksperimen sejumlah 24 anak dan kelompok B2 sebagai kelompok kontrol sebanyak 24 anak. Teknik Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier sederhana.
Hasil dari penelitian berdasarkan tabel output SPSS, diketahui nilai hitung Fhitung sebesar 853.373 karena nilai Fhitung 835.373 > F tabel 4.279 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima atau dengan kata lain permainan “bakiak beregu” (X) berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan sosial-emosional (Y1) dan berdasarkan tabel output SPSS, diketahui nilai hitung Fhitung adalah sebesar 48.363 karena nilai Fhitung 48.363 > F tabel 4.279 maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa hipotesis diterima artinya permainan “bakiak beregu” (X) berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan motorik kasar (Y2).
Mayshita, Nur Elfiansi. 2020, The Influence Of Traditional Game "Bakiak Beregu" On Social-Emotional Ability And Gross Motor Skills Of Children Aged 5-6 Years At Kindergarten Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo. Thesis, Study Program of Basic Education Concentration in Early Childhood Education, Magister Program of State University Surabaya. Advisor: (1) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd. and (2) Dr. Miftakhul Jannah, M.Si. Psychologist.
Keywords: Traditional Game "Bakiak Beregu", Social-Emotional Ability, gross motor skills.
The purpose of this research to (1) Analyze the Influence of traditional "bakiak beregu" games on the socio-emotional ability of children aged 5-6 years at TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo and (2) Analyze the Influence of traditional "bakiak beregu" " games on the gross motor skills of children aged 5 -6 years at TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo.
The research design uses the "quasy experimental design" research method which divides the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was treated with the traditional "bakiak beregu" game while the control group was without treatment. Both groups were analyzed based on the post-test scores of children's social-emotional and gross motor skills. The study was conducted at TK Kharisma Taman Sidoarjo in group B1 as an experimental class with 24 children and B2 as a control group of 24 children. Data collection techniques using the method of observation. The analysis used is a simple linear regression analysis.
The results of the study are based on the SPSS output table, it is known that the calculated Fcount is 853,373 because the Fcount value is 835,373> F table 4,279, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted or in other words the game "bakiak beregu" (X) the Influence social-emotional ability (Y1) and based on the SPSS output table, it is known that the calculated Fcount is 48,363 because the Fcount value is 48,363> F table 4,279 so it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted means the game "bakiak beregu" (X) the Influence gross motor ability (Y2).