In SMK State 1
Driyorejo the learning devices used were ineffective, this was marked by many
students who had mastery under the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) where
the KKM in SMK State 1 Driyorejo was 75, so that students reach the minimum
completeness criteria (KKM) the teacher must do remedies. From these problems,
researchers developed learning devices using the Predict Observe Explain
Explore model.
The Predict Observe
Explain Explore Model is a learning model that gives students the freedom to
give opinions as temporary predictions and conduct experiments to solve problems
and answer predictions from the opinions of students and then find out the
applications in everyday life.
A framework for
product quality consisting of the following three criteria: validity,
practicality and effectiveness. validity devices obtained through assessment
exerts. Practicality obtained with instrument observation sheets learning. And
effectiveness in obtained from achievement test. This study uses the Research
and Development (R & D) as the methodd. There are seven stages in this
study, they are: (1) potential and problems, (2) collection data, (3) design product,
(4) validation product, (5) revision product, (6) testing product, (7) analysis
and reporting
Based on the
research that has been done, the results obtained, they are: (1) the results of
the syllabus validation obtained by an average of 3,62 with very valid
categories, the results of the learning implementation plan validation (RPP)
obtained an average of 3,64 with very valid categories, the results validation
of student worksheets (LKS) obtained an average of 3,21 with valid categories,
the results of module validation obtained an average of 3,21 with valid
categories, the results of the validation of the assessment sheet obtained an
average of 3,61 with a very valid category , the results of the validation of
the learning implementation sheet obtained an average of 3,63 with a very valid
category, and the results of the validation of the items obtained an average of
3,52 with a very valid category. (2) the results of the practicality of
learning devices that are reviewed from instrument observation sheets learning
obtain an average of 3.54 in a very practical category. (3) achievement test of
students from product trials on cognitive and psychomotor domains learning
outcomes obtained an average value of 83.23, which means greater or equal to
the minimum completeness criteria (KKM).
Based on validity,
practicality, and effectiveness, it can be concluded that learning devices
developed using models predict observe explain this helpful fluid sim for
students to use during the learning process on subjects robotic systems control.