English Slang Used by Korean Wave Fans in @fyi.korea`s Instagram Comments
Saat ini Instagram sebagai media sosial digunakan oleh orang-orang untuk berbagi aktivitas sehari-hari mereka di dunia maya melalui foto atau video pendek. Selain itu, ini juga memfasilitasi orang untuk mengikuti akun lain tergantung pada minat mereka dan untuk menyampaikan pendapat mereka secara bebas di kotak komentar terhadap konten yang diposting. Sebagai contoh, penggemar Korean wave sebagai pengguna Instagram sering menyampaikan pendapat mereka dengan menggunakan kata gaul bahasa Inggris di komentar yang dibuat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mengidentifikasi tipe kata gaul bahasa Inggris yang digunakan oleh penggemar Korean wave di komentar Instagram @fyi.korea, dan (2) mengungkap fungsi mengapa kata gaul tersebut digunakan dalam komentar mereka. Berdasarkan bidang sosiolinguistik, dasar penelitian ini berfokus pada dua tipe kata gaul seperti yang diusulkan oleh Mattiello (2008). Deskriptif kualitatif digunakan sebagai metode penelitian dalam menganalisis data. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi dan wawancara virtual dengan pedomannya sebagai instrumen. Dalam mengumpulkan data dokumentasi, penilitian ini mengambil transkrip komentar yang dibuat oleh penggemar Korean wave di akun Instagram @fyi.korea dan gambar bukti percakapan daribagian wawancara. Sementara itu, subjek wawancara dalam penelitian ini melibatkan 8 penggemar Korean wave sebagai informan yang menyertakan kata gaul bahasa Inggris di komentar mereka. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penggemar Korean wave menggunakan dua tipe slang bahasa Inggris, yakni: kata gaul spesifik dan umum. Dari wawancara, fungsi penggunaan bahasa gaul bahasa Inggris dalam komentar dapat dibagi menjadi lima, yaitu: menunjukkan keanggotaan dari suatu grup, memudahkan interaksi sosial, untuk mengekspresikan sesuatu dengan cara yang mudah, mengurangi keseriusan dan menjadi berbeda dari yang lain.
Kata Kunci: penggemar Korean wave; kata gaul bahasa Inggris, Instagram.
Abstract Nowadays Instagram as a social media is used by people to share their daily activities in virtual world through photos or short videos. Besides, it also facilitates people to follow the other accounts depend on their interest and to deliver their opinions freely in the comment box toward the content being posted. As an example, Korean wave fans as Instagram users often deliver their opinions by using English slang in the comments made. The purposes of this research are to: (1) identify the types of English slang used by Korean wave fans in @fyi.korea`s Instagram comments, and (2) uncover the functions of why Korean wave fans use English slang in their comments. Based on sociolinguistics field, this research was mainly focused on two types of English slang as proposed by Mattiello (2008). The descriptive qualitative was used as research method in analysing the data. The data were collected through docummentation and virtual interview with its guideline as instrument. In collecting the documentation data, it was taken from the comments’ transcript made by Korean wave fans and the chat capture of interview section. Meanwhile, the subject of interview involved 9 Korean wave fans as informants who inserted English slang in their comments. The result shows that Korean wave fans used two types of English slang, such as: specific slang and general slang. From the interview, the functions of English slang in the comments are divided into five, those were: to show the speaker`s belonging to a group to ease social interaction, to express something in easy way, to reduce seriousness and to be different from the others.Keywords: Korean wave fans; English Slang, Instagram.
Nowadays Instagram as a social media is used by people to share their daily activities in virtual world through photos or short videos. Besides, it also facilitates people to follow the other accounts depend on their interest and to deliver their opinions freely in the comment box toward the content being posted. As an example, Korean wave fans as Instagram users often deliver their opinions by using English slang in the comments made. The purposes of this research are to: (1) identify the types of English slang used by Korean wave fans in @fyi.korea`s Instagram comments, and (2) uncover the functions of why Korean wave fans use English slang in their comments. Based on sociolinguistics field, this research was mainly focused on two types of English slang as proposed by Mattiello (2008). The descriptive qualitative was used as research method in analysing the data. The data were collected through docummentation and virtual interview with its guideline as instrument. In collecting the documentation data, it was taken from the comments’ transcript made by Korean wave fans and the chat capture of interview section. Meanwhile, the subject of interview involved 9 Korean wave fans as informants who inserted English slang in their comments. The result shows that Korean wave fans used two types of English slang, such as: specific slang and general slang. From the interview, the functions of English slang in the comments are divided into five, those were: to show the speaker`s belonging to a group to ease social interaction, to express something in easy way, to reduce seriousness and to be different from the others.Keywords: Korean wave fans; English Slang, Instagram.