Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk resistensi siswa dalam pelaksanaan full day school. Lokasi penelitian berada di SMK YPM 1 Taman. Penelitian menggunakan teori resistensi dari James Scott. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menjelaskan fenomena secara luas dan mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua jenis bentuk penolakan yang dilakukan oleh siswa SMK YPM 1 Taman yakni penolakan semi terbuka dan tertutup. Penolakan semi terbuka diantaranya dengan cara protes kepada guru, tidur di dalam kelas, pulang sekolah sebelum waktunya (kabur), dan ramai di dalam kelas. Sedangkan bentuk penolakan yang dilakukan siswa secara tertutup yakni dengan cara mencoret dinding kamar mandi tentang ketidaksetujuan full day school, merokok di kamar mandi sekolah, mengeluh kepada teman tentang full day school, keliling dari lantai 1 hingga lantai 4, tidak masuk sekolah dengan alasan sakit, menyimpan dalam hati atas ketidaksetujuan full day school, dan izin meninggalkan sekolah dengan berbagai macam alasan.
Kata Kunci : Resistensi Full Day School, Kualitatif, James Scott
This study aims to describe the form of student resistance in carrying out full day school. The research location was at YPM 1 Taman Vocational School. The research uses resistance theory from James Scott. This research uses qualitative methods by explaining phenomena widely and deeply. The results of this study indicate that there are two types of rejection carried out by students at Taman YPM 1 Vocational School, namely semi-open and closed rejection. Semi-open rejection includes protesting with the teacher, sleeping in class, going home before school (running away), and crowded in the classroom. While the form of rejection that is done by students in a closed way is by crossing the bathroom wall about disagreement in full day school, smoking in the school bathroom, complaining to friends about full day school, going from the 1st floor to 4th floor, not going to school for reasons of illness keep in mind thedisapproval full day school, and permission to leave school for various reasons.
Keywords : Resistance of Full day, Qualitative, James Scott