Based on the results of reflections conducted by
researchers and teachers at SMK 1 Kediri, it was found that the learning
process with a learning model that was less attractive so that the
communication skills and collaboration skills needed by students in the 21st century
were still lacking and many student learning outcomes were incomplete. From
these problems the solution needed is the application of a student-centered
cooperative learning model. This study aims to improve student responses to
learning, communication skills, collaboration skills, and student learning
outcomes by using the STAD type cooperative learning model.
This study uses the Classroom
Action Research (CAR) method which is applied to class XI TPm-4 (33 male
students) at SMKN 1 Kediri on Creative Products and Entrepreneurship subjects.
CAR is used to improve the quality of learning by giving action to students.
Research using KD analyzes the concept of prototype design of goods or services
with the material understanding and stages of the prototype as well as
understanding, functions, objectives, and types of product packaging. This
research was conducted in two cycles. Data analysis uses the help of Microsoft
Excel, while the analysis of instruments uses the help of the SPSS application.
Data were collected using observation, questionnaire, and test techniques.
The results of this study indicate an increase in the
response of students to get results in the category of "Very Good",
communication skills show results in the category of "Good",
collaboration skills show results in the category of "Very Good", and
student learning outcomes show a classical completeness of 29 students' results
study thoroughly.
Keywords :
STAD, Student Response, Communication Skills, Collaboration Skills, Learning