Public Services provided by the government
one Sistem Informasi Usulan Lelang (SIUL) which is an innovation launched by
the Unit Kerja Pengadaan barang/Jasa (UKPBJ), which aims to cut down the flow
of management of proposed goods / services auctions. Based on the Mayor's
Decree Number: 188.45 / 296 / 436.1.2 / 2018 SIUL can provide convenience for
OPD in the arrangement of an integrated website-based auction with GRMS (SPSE)
to propose auction proposal documents in a safe, orderly, registered and
monitored manner. Officially applied on February 14, 2018, is the first and
only proposed service innovation in Indonesia. Based on research conducted by
researchers, there are shortcomings in their daily implementation. There are
still staff who don't understand the use of this application, so some problems
arise. This study using descriptive research with a qualitative approach where
data analysis techniques used include data collection, data reduction, data
presentation, conclusion drawing and data verification. The purpose of this
study is to describe and analyze the implementation of the website-based SIUL
Application in the Surabaya Procurement of Goods / Services Work Unit (UKPBJ).
With the results of the analysis of SIUL, several solutions can be found that
are expected to be able to solve the existing problems. Following is the
description of the research results a) Hardware, there are 4 units of computers
that have high specifications. Although there are still shortcomings in the
field of service, there is no synchronous data between SIUL and LPSE hacked
hackers, and networks that are disrupted by lightning. In addition, there are
still several OPDs that do not have a scanner. b) Software, SIUL applications
use phpMyAdmin as a database and the program uses PHP 5.6. c) HR, implementing SIUL totaling 4
people, especially in the Sub-Implementation Unit for Assistance, Consultation
and / / Technical Procurement of Goods / Services Procurement. The quality is
good with the training and sufficient quantity to operate SIUL. D) Data and
Information, related to the auction proposal that can be accessed by PPK which
can be printed as soft files. e) Organizational Structure, which has been
stipulated in the mayor's decree in its implementation, has been in accordance
with its main tasks and functions. f) Communication, the establishment of a
communication collaboration system between UKPBJ and PPK. g) The attitude of
the executor, Human Resources from the UKPBJ in the City of Surabaya has an
attitude that can make people comfortable taking care of the auction proposal.
Therefore, researchers can provide advice, namely paying more attention to
software maintenance related to system updates, so that it is not easy to crack
and the network remains stable. In addition, the facility is in the form of a
scan tool to upload auction proposal documents.
words: Implementation, Services, Public