Regional development is an important aspect
of community welfare which is the basis for exploring the potential, resources
and characteristics of each region which can be developed in various activities
for the realization of an empowered society. The challenge that must be faced
is whether the regions have the readiness and ability to be able to prosper the
community through regional development or empowerment programs. Regional
readiness and capability can be seen from the innovation and creativity of the
regions to create programs that truly empower the community, one of which is
carried out by the City Government of Kediri through the Community Empowerment
Program (Prodamas) Plus. In the implementation of Prodamas Plus in the economic
sector in Bangsal Village, Pesantren District, Kediri City, problems were found
from aspects of budget absorption, aspects of program understanding, and
aspects of community participation. One of the scopes of Prodamas Plus's economic
field is the provision of grants to each RW cooperative in the City of Kediri.
The Sehat Sejahtera ERWE 2 Bangsal Cooperative is the only RW Cooperative in
the Bangsal Village that is active and has succeeded in obtaining Prodamas Plus
grants by running a savings and loan business. The type of research used is
descriptive with a qualitative approach. The focus of the research is the
implementation of the Community Empowerment Program (Prodamas) Plus in the
economic field in the Bangsal Village, Kediri City (Study on the Sehat
Sejahtera ERWE 2 Bangsal Cooperative) using the bottom up policy implementation
theory according to Elmore, Lipsky, Hjern, and O'Porter in (Tahir 2011:136).
The implementation of Prodamas Plus in the
economic sector in Bangsal Village (Study on the Sehat Sejahtera ERWE 2 Bangsal
Cooperative) identified a network of actors involved, namely the City
Government of Kediri, Bangsal Village, Head of RW, Head of RT, Cooperative
Supervisor, Members and Management of the Sehat Sejahtera Erwe 2 Bangsal
Cooperative, as well as the Office of Cooperatives and UMTK. The type of policy
adopted is the result of deliberation and agreement from cooperative members,
cooperative management and with support from the Bangsal Village to establish a
RW Cooperative. Technically, the implementation of RW Cooperatives still
involves government officials, namely Bangsal Village Employees as the Village
Prodamas Plus Facilitation Team, as well as the Cooperative and UMTK Offices as
Providers with and Technical Guidance Teams. However, the main actors are the
community or cooperative members. With the existence of Prodamas Plus grants,
it can provide welfare benefits to members, because their needs can be
fulfilled. The implementation of these policies is the result of the
community's own initiative. In the Sehat Sejahtera ERWE 2 Bangsal Cooperative,
the involvement of the Bangsal Village LPMK was only limited to overseeing or
controlling the operation of the cooperative and in implementing the Sehat
Sejahtera ERWE 2 Bangsal Cooperative it did not cooperate with the LPMK.
Keywords: Implementation, Prodamas, Cooperative