Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Cair dengan Penambahan Silika dan Cekaman Air terhadap Tanaman Kedelai
Liquid Organic Fertilizers with The Addition of Silica and Water Stress Effect on Soybean Plants
Azolla dan air cucian beras merupakan bahan alami dengan kandungan hara NPK tinggi dan banyak digunakan dalam pupuk organik cair (POC). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kadar unsur hara NPK POC serta mengetahui konsentasi optimal yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai pada kondisi tercekam air. Penelitian ini terbagi dua tahapan yakni tahap I penelitian deskriptif dan tahap II penelitian eksperimental. Tahap I proses pembuatan POC dan pengujian kandungan unsur hara NPK, sedangkan tahap II pengujian POC terhadap pertumbuhan kedelai. Rancangan penelitian berupa Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi POC dan tingkat cekaman air. Data dianalisis dengan Two Way ANOVA lalu dilanjutkan pada uji Duncan. POC memiliki kandungan hara nitrogen 0,006%, fosfor 0,01%, kalium 0,0003% dan rasio C/N 28. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi antara konsentrasi POC dan tingkat cekaman air berpengaruh signifikan terhadap panjang akar, kadar air relatif daun dan kerapatan stomata, sedangkan parameter tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun dan berat basah tanaman tidak berpengaruh siginifikan. Konsentrasi POC terbaik yang direkomendasikan yakni 15 ml POC + 0,85 g silika dengan tingkat kapasitas lapang 75%. Kata kunci: Azolla, Air Cucian Beras, Hara NPK, Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai
Azolla and rice washing water are natural ingredients with high NPK nutrient content and are widely used in liquid organic fertilizers (POC). The purpose of this study was to determine the nutrient content of NPK POC and to determine the optimal concentration that affects the growth of soybean plants under water stress. This research is divided into two stages, namely stage I descriptive research and stage II experimental research. The first stage is the process of making POC and testing the nutrient content of NPK, while the second stage is testing the POC on soybean growth. The research design was a randomized block design (RAK) with two factors, namely the concentration of POC and the level of water stress. % and 25%). The data were analyzed using Two Way ANOVA and then continued with the Duncan test. POC has a nutrient content of 0.006% nitrogen, 0.01% phosphorus, 0.0003% potassium and a C / N ratio of 28. The results showed that the interaction between POC concentration and water stress level had a significant effect on root length, leaf relative moisture content and stomata density. , while the parameters of plant height, number of leaves and plant wet weight did not have a significant effect. The best recommended concentration of POC is 15 ml of POC + 0.85 g of silica with a field capacity level of 75%. Key words: Azolla, Rice Washing Water, nutrient NPK, the growth of Anjasmoro Soybean Plants