Collection of poems Resep Membuat Jagad Raya by Abinaya
Ghina Jamela and Cara Menghitung Anak by Abu Wafa interesting to study, because it has a
different rhetorical diction between children's poetry created by children and
children's imagined poetry by adults. Collection of poems by Abinaya tells the
story of a child's imagination with his daily life, while poetry by abu wafa
tells the moral life of children's imagery in adult storytelling. This research
formula includes a comparison of rhetorical diction and rhetorical function in
the two poetry collections. This study aims to: (1) describe the rhetorical
diction comparison children's works resep membuat jagad raya by abinaya ghina
jamela and children's image poeming works adults cara menghitung anak by abu
wafa, and (2) describe the rhetorical function children's works resep membuat
jagad raya by abinaya ghina jamela and children's image poeming works adults
cara menghitung anak by abu wafa. Data sources of this study include 10 poems in
Collection of poems Resep Membuat Jagad Raya by Abinaya Ghina Jamela and 10
poems in Cara Menghitung Anak by Abu Wafa . While the theory in this study is a
rhetorical tool that focuses on rhetorical diction and rhetorical function.
This research is included in a qualitative descriptive study. This study uses a
stylistic approach, which focuses on rhetorical means in comparison to its
rhetorical diction The data analysis technique used is descriptive-qualitative
through categorization. The results of the study can be described as follows:
First, the rhetorical diction found in the form of 3 anastrophic diction, 1
diction hysterone prosteron, 3 diction asonance, 6 diction polisindeton, 4
hyperbole diction, 9 diction erotesis, 8 diction asindenton, 1 diction oxymoron,
3 diction asonance, 6 diction polisindeton, 4 hyperbole diction, 9 diction
erotesis, 8 diction asindenton, 1 diction oxymoron, 3 diction asonance, 6
diction polisindeton, 4 hyperbole diction, 9 diction erotesis, 8 diction
asindentone, 1 diction oxymoron, 3 diction asonance, 6 diction polisindeton, 4
hyperbole diction, 9 diction erotesis, 8 diction asindenton, 1 diction
oximoron, 3 diction oxionoron. perifrasis, 5 alliterative diction, 1
paradoxical diction, 1 silepsis diction, 1 chiasmus diction, 2 apsotrophic
diction, 2 tautology. Second, the rhetorical function contained in children's
poetry Resep Membuat Jagad Raya by Abinaya Ghina Jamela and child imaging
poetry Cara Menghitung Anak by Abu Wafa that is, the structure of sentence
structure that can be found in this research is to emphasize something, make
something more aesthetic, make something more alive, and express the atmosphere
in a real way.