Yuniar, Dwi. 2020. Patriarchal Capitalism in the Luka Perempuan
Asap Novel by Nafi'ah Al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tabu Novel by Anindita S. Thayf
(Vandana Shiva Ecofeminism Study). Thesis, Language and Literature
Education Study Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Supervisor:
(1) Prof. Dr. Darni, M. Hum., And (2) Prof. Dr. Setya Yuwana, M. A.
Keywords: ecofeminism, patriarchal capitalism, novels.
This study aims to describe patriarchal
capitalism in the Luka Perempuan Asap novel
by Nafi'ah al-Ma’rab and Tanah Tabu novel
by Anindita S. Thayf which is in accordance with the study of Vandana Shiva's
ecofeminism. The focus of his research is the death of the principles of
femininity by patriarchal capitalism, women's spiritual wisdom without violence
to counter patriarchal capitalism, and the unfair distribution of benefits to
women and nature by patriarchal capitalism in the Luka Perempuan Asap novel by Nafi'ah al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tanah novel by Anindita S. Thayf.
This qualitative approach uses descriptive
and analytical methods. The data source of this research is the Luka Perempuan Asap novel by Nafi'ah
al-Ma'rab published by Tinta Medina Publisher and a novel entitled Tanah Tabu by Anindita S. Thayf
published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Publisher. The data of this research are
text in the form of sentences, in the form of dialogue and narrative sentences
in the Luka Perempuan Asap novel by
Nafi'ah al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tabu novel
by Anindita S. Thayf. The technique used in this research is library technique.
The findings of this study can be
mentioned as follows. First, the death of the principles of femininity is
experienced by all women in the Luka
Perempuan Asap novel by Nafi'ah al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tabu novel by Anindita S. Thayf due to patriarchal capitalist
acts that have damaged their nature just for profit. Second, women in the Luka Perempuan Asap novel by Nafi'ah
al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tabu novel by
Anindita S. Thayf have a spiritual
wisdom of women without violence to counter patriarchal capitalism. Third,
there is an injustice in the distribution of benefits to women and nature by
patriarchal capitalism in the Luka
Perempuan Asap novel by Nafi'ah al-Ma'rab and Tanah Tabu novel by Anindita S. Thayf. Even though nature remains
damaged, resulting in disasters and suffering for women and nature, the
struggle of women in the framework of saving the environment from the arbitrary
actions of patriarchal capitalists can be made an important lesson that women
have a big part in the mission of saving the environment.