Nugroho, Wahjudi, 2023. Pengembangan Paket Program E-Modul Penerapan Konsultasi & Analisis Kulit Wajah Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Dan Keterampilan Metakognitif Bagi Peserta Didik LKP PIBI. Disertasi. Program Studi Teknologi Pendidikan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., (II) Fajar Arianto, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: E-Modul, Hasil Belajar, Keterampilan Metakognitif, Pendidikan Vokasi, Analisis Kulit dan Wajah
Tujuan pembelajaran bidang vokasi adalah menghasilkan tenaga kerja yang berkompetensi: 5 dimensi kompetensi, 8 employability skills dan keterampilan abad ke-21 4C. Produk dirancang dengan sistem dan strategi pembelajaran online, menggunakan model pembelajaran kontekstual, berpusat pada peserta didik mampu berfikir tingkat tinggi, kritis, aktif, kreatif, memecahkan masalah, dengan menggunakan berbagai media ajar.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui paket program e-modul penerapan konsultasi dan analisis kulit wajah bagi peserta didik LKP PIBI yang (1) layak, (2) praktis, (3) efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar, (4) efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan metakognitif, dan (5) respon peserta didik menggunakan paket program e-modul pada profesi health and beauty consultant (H&BC) jenjang kualifikasi 5. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan paket program e-modul pembelajaran bagi instruktur di LKP PIBI. Model pengembangan Dick and Carey digunakan untuk penelitian mata diklat konsultasi dan analisis kulit wajah dengan tujuan peserta didik mencapai jenjang kualifikasi 5 sesuai kebutuhan industri kecantikan sebagai H&BC saat ini. Dilakukan validasi instrumen oleh ahli materi kecantikan, ahli media pembelajaran dan ahli pembelajaran. Teknik analisis data kuantitatif, kuisioner dan hasil belajar menggunakan SPSS, dan analisis data kualitatif, wawancara menggunakan Atlas.ti.
Hasil penelitian menunjukan: (1) paket program e-modul penerapan konsultasi & analisis kulit wajah memenuhi kriteria kelayakan dengan hasil persentase 100%, (2) kepraktisan paket program e-modul dengan hasil persentase 100%, (3) keefektifan paket program e-modul untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar setelah perbaikan dari uji coba one to one, small group dan field trial, menunjukkan kenaikan 86%, serta tampak pada perbandingan nilai N-Gain antara rata-rata pre-test dan post-test kelompok eksperimen 67.8964%, cukup efektif dibandingkan kelompok kontrol 35.8633% tidak efektif. (4) Keefektifan paket program e-modul untuk meningkatkan keterampilan metakognitif, didapatkan persentase keterampilan metakognitif pada kelompok eksperimen 99% (5) respon peserta didik dengan nilai persentase kelayakan dan kepraktisan 100%, sedangkan keefektifan 99%. Sehingga dari hasil dapat disimpulkan bahwa paket program e-modul penerapan konsultasi dan analisis kulit wajah layak, praktis dan efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan keterampilan metakognitif peserta didik LKP PIBI.
Abstract (Inggris)
Nugroho, Wahjudi, 2023. Development of E-Module Program Packages Application of Consultation & Facial Skin Analysis to Improve Learning Outcomes and Metacognitive Skills for LKP PIBI Students. Dissertation. Educational Technology Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Surabaya State University (UNESA). Advisor. Promotor: (I) Prof. Dr. Mustaji, M.Pd., (II) Fajar Arianto, M.Pd.
Keywords: E-Modul, Learning Outcomes, Metacognitive Skills, Vocational Education, Skin and Facial Analysis
The purpose of learning in vocational education is to produce a competent workforce: 5 competency dimensions, 8 employability skills and 4C 21st century skills. Products are designed with online learning systems and strategies, using contextual learning models, centered on students capable of high-level thinking, critical, active, creative, problem solving, using various teaching media.
This study aims to find out that e-module program packages consultation and facial skin analysis for LKP PIBI students are (1) feasible, (2) practical, (3) effective for improving learning outcomes, (4) effective for improving metacognitive skills, and (5) the responses of students using the e-module program package for the health and beauty consultant (H&BC) profession at qualification level 5. The research used research and development method of the e-module program package for instructors at LKP PIBI. The Dick and Carey development model is used for consultation training and facial skin analysis material with the aim of students reaching level 5 qualification according current needs of beauty industry as H&BC. Instrument validation was carried out by beauty material experts, media experts and learning experts. Quantitative data analysis techniques, questionnaires and learning outcomes using SPSS, and qualitative data analysis, interviews using Atlas.ti.
The results of the study showed: (1) the e-module application package for consultation & facial skin analysis met the eligibility criteria with a yield of 100%, (2) the practicality of the e-module program package with a percentage of 100%, (3) the effectiveness of the e-module program package modules to improve learning outcomes after improvements from one to one, small group and field trials, showed an increase of 86%, and it was seen in the comparison of the N-Gain value between the average pre-test and post-test of the experimental group 67.8964%, sufficient effective compared to the control group 35.8633% ineffective. (4) The effectiveness of the e-module program package to improve metacognitive skills, the percentage of metacognitive skills in the experimental group was 99% (5) the response of students with a feasibility and practicality percentage value of 100%, while the effectiveness was 99%. So from the results it can be concluded that the e-module program package consultation and facial skin analysis is feasible, practical and effective for improving learning outcomes and metacognitive skills of LKP PIBI students.