Program relokasi dilakukan oleh pemerintah sudah berjalan sesuai dengan rencana Namun saat ini jumlah PKL berkurang disebabkan masih banyaknya permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh para pedagang sejak awal menempati sentra PKL Jalan Benteng Pancasila Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka penulis ingin meneliti tentang permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi dan upaya yang dilakukan pedagang dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut dalam meningkatkan pendapatan pedagang kaki lima jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto dengan tujuan 1 untuk menjelaskan permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi di Sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto 2 untuk menjelaskan upaya yang dilakukan pedagang kaki lima dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada serta dalam peningkatan pendapatan di Sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila kota Mojokerto Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif Subjek penelitian ini adalah pedagang kaki lima di sentra PKL jalan Benteng Pancasila sebanyak 10 informan Penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik snowball sampling Analisa data terdiri dari reduksi data penyajian data menarik kesimpulan atau verifikasi Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan yang dihadapi pedagang kaki lima pasca relokasi adalah pemasaran permodalan sarana prasarana kurangnya dukungan pemerintah dan teknologi Permasalahan tersebut berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan yang diperoleh pedagang Upaya dari pedagang dalam menghadapi permasalahan yang ada adalah meningkatkan pelayanan dan bekerja sama dengan para pedagang berjualan di lokasi lain dan mengganti jenis barang dagangan Kata Kunci Relokasi Pedagang Kaki Lima Pendapatan
The relocation program carried out by the government has gone according to plan But now the number of street vendors is decreasing because there are still many problems faced by traders since the beginning of occupying the center of street vendors in the Pancasila Fortress Based on this the authors want to examine the problem faced by street vendors after relocation and efforts made by traders in overcoming these problems in increasing the income of street vendors at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto with the aim of 1 to explain the problems faced by street vendors after relocation in the center of the street at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto 2 to explain the efforts made by street vendors in dealing with existing problems and in increasing revenue in the center of the street at the Pancasila Fortress in the city of Mojokerto This type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach The subjects of this study were street vendors who were in the PKL center on Pancasila Fortress as many as 10 informants Determination of informants using the snowbal sampling technique Data analysis consists of data reduction data presentation drawing conclusions or verification The results showed that the problems faced by street vendors after relocation were marketing capital infrastructure lack of government support and technology These problems greatly influence the level of income obtained by traders Efforts made by traders in dealing with existing problems are to improve service and cooperate with traders selling in other locations and replacing types of merchandise Key Word Relocation Street Vendor Income