Based on the
results of interviews with students from one of the junior high schools in
Jombang, 7 out of 10 students stated that their understanding of drug abuse was
still low, this was shown by the large number of students who smoked. Beside
that, there are also student attitudes or behavior that appear in the school
environment by following the orders of their peers regarding something. This is
a real manifestation of the students lack of assertive ability, they also do
not have the courage to refuse what they are told. Beside that, students are
also less able to express their opinions to other people, both in discussing
and interacting with their peers, because they are afraid of being seen as not
following trends and being ostracized by their friends. Therefore, researchers
took the initiative to develop an assertive training module as an effort to
prevent drug abuse.
This research
aims to produce a product in the form of an assertive training module as an
effort to prevent drug abuse that meets the acceptability criteria of experts
which include usefulness, feasibility, accuracy and appropriateness.
Researchers use the Borg and Gall research and development (R&D) model.
Borg and Galls research model includes needs analysis, planning, developing
preliminary form a product, main product revision, main field testing, product
revision ( revision of product), operational trials (operational field
testing), revision of the final product (final product revision), disseminating
and implementing the product (dissemination and implementation) (Gall et al.,
1996). However, this research was only carried out up to the fifth stage,
namely the main product revision stage.
Based on the results of validation tests by two
material experts, a percentage of 77.68% was obtained, including in the good
category and did not need to be revised, validation tests by media experts
obtained a percentage of 78.41%, including in the good category and did not
need to be revised, validation tests from practitioner experts were obtained. a
percentage of 95.14% is included in the very good category and does not need
revision and the module readability test by students received a percentage of
88.33% which is included in the very good category and does not need revision.
Thus, it can be concluded that the assertive training module as an effort to
prevent drug abuse in junior high schools can meet the acceptability criteria.
Keywords: Assertiveness, Module , Drug Prevention , Development , Junior High School