Hubungan Antara Motivasi Berprestasi Dengan Kecerdasan Adversitas Pada Mahasiswa Yang Bekerja
The Relationship Between Achievement Motivation And Adversity Intelligence In Working Students
Fenomena mahasiswa yang bekerja semakin banyak ditemui. Tujuan penelitian ini berhubungan dengan hal tersebut untuk mengetahui hubungan antara motivasi berprestasi dengan kecerdasan adversitas pada mahasiswa yang bekerja. Penelitian ini menggunakan model kuantitatif serta rancangan korelasional. Desain alat ukur skala motivasi berprestasi serta skala kecerdasan adversitas disebarkan melalui google form. Sampel yang diambil berjumlah 182 mahasiswa berdasarkan perhitungan 15% dari total populasi menggunakan teknik purposive sampling melalui kriteria terrtentu. Data dianalisa dengan teknik korelasi product moment pearson dan nilai korelasi didapat sebesar 0,751. Dari nilai skor tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa terapat hubungan yang signifikan secara positif antara variabel motivvasi berprestasi dengan kecerdasan adversitas. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa motivasi berprestasi memiliki peran yang penting dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan adversitas pada mahasiswa yang bekerja dalam menghadapi rintangan dan hambatan serta kesulitan selama menjalani peran ganda (bekerja dan berkuliah).
The phenomenon of working students is becoming more and more common. The purpose of this study related to this is to determine the relationship between achievement motivation and adversity intelligence in working students. This study uses a quantitative model and a correlational design. The design of the measuring tool for the achievement motivation scale and the adversity intelligence scale was distributed via google form. The sample taken was 182 students based on the calculation of 15% of the total population using purposive sampling technique through certain criteria. The data were analyzed using the Pearson product moment correlation technique and the correlation value was 0.751. From these scores, it can be interpreted that there is a positive significant relationship between the achievement motivation variable and adversity intelligence. This study resulted in the finding that achievement motivation has an important role in increasing adversity intelligence in students who work in the face of obstacles and obstacles as well as difficulties during their dual role (work and study).