This study aims to obtain the feasibility of problem
solving-oriented E-Worksheet to train students' metacognitive skills on
acid-base titration material in terms of validity, practicality, and
effectiveness criteria. This type of research is research and development
(R&D) which refers to Sugiyono (2022) with 7 stages, namely: (1) potential
and problems, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) product review and
revision (5) product validation, (6) product revision, (7) product trial. At
the product trial stage, it was conducted in class XI MIPA 13 SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
consisting of 21 students. Validity was obtained from a validation sheet filled
out by 3 validators, namely 2 Unesa chemistry lecturers and SMAN 1 Sidoarjo
chemistry teacher. Based on the validation sheet in terms of content,
presentation, linguistic, and graphical feasibility aspects have a mode score ≥
3 so that it is declared valid. Practicality was obtained from a response
questionnaire filled by 21 students XI MIPA 13 SMAN 1 Sidoarjo. Based on the
response questionnaire, the overall level of practicality of the developed
problem solving-oriented E-Worksheet is 89.88% (very good). The practicality of
E-Worksheet is supported by studenst activity observation sheets filled in by 3
observers with observations every 3 minutes, getting a percentage of relevant
activities of 95.56% at the first meeting and 95% at the second meeting.
Effectiveness is obtained from the pretest and posttest of metacognitive
skills. Based on the metacognitive skills test carried out by students, the
N-gain value for each component of metacognitive skills is obtained,
namely: (1) Planning Skills 0.72, (2) Monitoring Skills 0.73, and (3)
Evaluating Skills 0.71. In addition, the data from the skills test results
were analyzed using the paired sample t-test of metacognitive skills obtained a
sig value. (2-tailed) of 0.000 which can be interpreted that there are
differences in the metacognitive skills of students before and after using
problem solving-oriented E-Worksheet Based on the results of validity,
practicality, and effectiveness, the problem solving-oriented E-Worksheet to
train students' metacognitive skills on acid-base titration material developed
is said to be feasible.
Keywords: E-Worksheet,
problem solving, metacognitive skills