Materi ajar sangat penting dalam pembelajaran Basa Jawa, maka sebagai guru harus pintar-pintar mengembangkan materi ajar agar dapat menarik perhatian, menyebabkan siswa senang dengan pembelajaran khususnya bab crita rakyat. Pengembangan materi ajar dengan wujud medhia Audhio Pop-Up book.
Rumusan masalah dari peneliti ini adalah (1) Bagaimana proses pengembangan media Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, (2) Bagaimana efektivitas media Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, (3) Bagaimana respon siswa terhadap media Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya. Tujuan Uji coba Ini adalah Memaparkan proses pengembangan media Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, Memapaparkan efektivitas materi ajar cerita rakyat berwujud Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, Memaparkan respon siswa terhadap medhia Audhio Pop-Up book kelas VII SMPN 17 Surabaya. Manfaat peneliti yaitu supaya guru bisa kreatif mengembangkan media pembelajaran, supaya siswa lebih gampang memahami materi cerita rakyat, dan supaya sekolah bisa meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.
Berdasarkan pola pengembangan Sadiman yang dimodifikasi dening Sugiono, ana saperangan langkah yang harus ditindak lanjuti untuk mengembangkan media. Tahap pertama yaitu menganalisis kebutuhan siswa dan karakteristik siswa. Sebelum menganalisis masalah yang dialami lebih dulu mengumpulkan data-data saat dalam pembelajaran cerita rakyat. Desain Uji coba Ini menggunakan quasi eksperimen. Sampel yang dipilih yaitu siswa kelas VII-E sebagai kelas uji instrumen, kelas VII A sebagai kelas kontrol, sedangkan kelas VII G sebagai kelas eksperimen
Hasil validasi materi bisa disimpulkan jika media Audhio Pop-Up book bisa jadi bahan ajar yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dengan persentase 94,28%, ahli validasi media juga memberi nilai yang bagus, yaiku 82,5%.
Efektivitas media Audhio Pop-Up book diketahui dari hasil pembelajaran siswa di kelas eksperimen yang menggunakan media, dan kelas kontrol yang tidak menggunakan media dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas. Uji coba 1 menghasilkan thitung kelas eksperimen 18,27 kelas kontrol 11,31. Pembanding asil pre-test lan post-test kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol menghasilkan thitung = 3,054 ≥ ttabel (0,05 db = 74) = 1,666. Hasil ini menunjukan bila ada pembeda yang signifikan, dengan kata lain uji coba 1 menunjukkan H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Uji coba 2 menghasilkan thitung kelas eksperimen 20,09 , sedangkan dalam thitung kelas kontrol 2,5. Pembanding hasil pre-test dan post-test kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol menghasilkan thitung = 12,341 ≥ ttabel (0,05 db = 74) = 1,666. Hasil ini menunjukan bila ada perbedaan yang signifikan, dengan kata lain uji coba 2 menunjukkan H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hasil dari uji efektivitas menggunakan media Audhio Pop-Up book bisa meningkatkan hasil pembelajaran siswa dan efektif digunakan untuk mengapresiasi cerita rakyat.
Hasil respon siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen, setelah menggunakan media Audhio Pop-Up book tergolong “bagus”, dengan persentase 96,2%. Hasil respon siswa tersebut bisa disimpulkan bila penggunaan media Audhio Pop-Up book layak digunakan dalam mengapresiasi cerita rakyat.
Teaching material is very important in learning Javanese Basa, so as a teacher must be smart to develop teaching material in order to attract attention, cause students to be happy with learning, especially the crita people's chapter. Development of teaching material with the form of the Audhio Pop-Up book.
The formulation of the problems of this researcher are (1) How is the process of developing Audhio Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, (2) How is the effectiveness of Audhio Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, (3) How are students' responses to Audhio's media Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya. The purpose of this trial is to explain the process of developing media Audhio Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, Explaining the effectiveness of teaching materials in the form of folklore tangible Audhio Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya, Describing students' responses to the Audhio Pop-Up book class VII SMPN 17 Surabaya. The benefits of researchers are that teachers can be creative in developing learning media, so students can more easily understand folklore material, and so schools can improve the quality of education.
Based on Sadiman's development pattern which was modified by Sugiono's silence, there are steps that must be followed up to develop the media. The first stage is analyzing student needs and student characteristics. Before analyzing the problems experienced first gather data when learning folklore. Trial Design This uses quasi-experiments. The selected sample is students of class VII-E as the instrument test class, class VII A as the control class, while class VII G as the experimental class
The results of the material validation can be concluded if the Audhio Pop-Up book media could be developed as suitable teaching material with a percentage of 94.28%, the media validation expert also gave a good grade, which is 82.5%.
The effectiveness of Audhio Pop-Up book media is known from the learning outcomes of students in the experimental class who use media, and the control class that does not use media in the learning process in class. Trial 1 produced tcount experimental class 18.27 control class 11.31. Comparison of the original pre-test and post-test of the experimental class and the control class resulted in tcount = 3.054 ≥ table (0.05 db = 74) = 1.666. These results indicate if there is a significant differentiator, in other words trial 1 shows H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Trial 2 resulted in the tcount of the experimental class of 20.09, while in the tcount of the control class of 2.5. Comparison of the pre-test and post-test results of the experimental class and the control class yielded t-count = 12,341 ≥ table (0.05 db = 74) = 1.666. This result shows that if there is a significant difference, in other words, trial 2 shows that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The results of the effectiveness test using Audhio Pop-Up book media can improve student learning outcomes and are effectively used to appreciate folklore.
The results of students' responses as an experimental class, after using the Audhio Pop-Up book, were classified as "good", with a percentage of 96.2%. The results of these student responses can be concluded if the use of Audhio Pop-Up book media is appropriate to be used in appreciating folklore.