Penerapan Project Based Learning dalam Mengajar Berbicara Teks Recount kepada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
Berbicara adalah tindakan interaktif untuk membangun makna yang melibatkan memproduksi, menerima, dan juga memproses informasi (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce 1997). Itu berarti berbicara adalah cara bagi siswa untuk mengekspresikan kata atau kalimat untuk memperluas informasi untuk pendengar atau audiens. Bisa dikatakan kemampuan siswa dapat diukur dengan cara dia berbicara. Namun, berbicara juga membuat siswa takut. Masalah yang umum ditemukan adalah kurangnya kosa kata, pengucapan, dan lingkungan yang tidak didukung untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris. Secara praktis, diyakini bahwa Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dapat membantu siswa untuk berbicara. Dalam metode ini siswa dapat memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan dengan belajar melalui menyelidiki dan menanggapi bahan otentik, masalah dan juga tantangan. Sangat membantu untuk mempertajam penampilan berbicara siswa karena mereka terlibat untuk membangun pengetahuan mereka sendiri dengan berlatih bersama teman-teman mereka dan juga melakukan proyek sedangkan guru bertindak sebagai pengamat dan fasilitator dalam proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif yang diusulkan untuk menggambarkan implementasi Project Based Learning dalam pengajaran teks recount kepada siswa kelas X di SMK Negeri 1 Buduran dan untuk menganalisis kinerja berbicara siswa. Dalam hal tujuan penelitian, satu guru dan 30 siswa dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling. Data dikumpulkan melalui lembar observasi dan rubrik berbicara siswa (Ary, et al, al) analisis mengungkapkan bahwa guru mengikuti prosedur Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dengan beberapa modifikasi dalam mengajar berbicara. Para siswa juga berpartisipasi selama pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek. Selain itu, analisis kinerja berbicara siswa dari perwakilan dalam tugas kedua lebih baik. Artinya siswa telah memenuhi kriteria penampilan. Singkatnya, Project Based Learning dapat diimplementasikan dalam pengajaran berbicara karena membantu siswa untuk mempraktikkan bahasa Inggris mereka lebih baik.
Keywords: Berbicara, Recount teks, Project Based Learning, Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Teaching Speaking Recount Texts to the Students of Vocational High School
Speaking is an interactive action of building the meaning which involves producing, receiving, and also processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns & Joyce 1997). It means speaking is the way for students to express the word or sentence in order to extend the information for listener or audience. It could be said the students’ ability could be measured by the way he/she is speaking. However, speaking also makes the students afraid. The problems which are commonly found are lack of vocabulary, pronunciation, and unsupported environment to speak English. In practical, it is believed that Project Based Learning could help the students to deal with speaking. In this method the students are able to gain the knowledge and skills by learning through investigate and respond to an authentic materials, problem and also challenge. It is really helpful to sharpen the students’ speaking performances since they are involved to build their own knowledge by practicing with their friends and also doing the project whereas the teacher acted as an observer and a facilitator in the teaching and learning process. This research was a descriptive qualitative research which proposed to describe the implementation of Project Based Learning in teaching speaking recount texts to the Tenth grade students of SMK Negeri 1 Buduran and to analyze the students’ speaking performances. In terms of the objective of the research, one teacher and 30 students were selected using purposive random sampling technique. The data were collected through observation sheets and students’ speaking rubric (Ary, et al, al) the analysis revealed that the teacher followed Project Based Learning procedure with some modification in teaching speaking. The students also participated during the implementation of Project Based Learning. Moreover, the analysis of students’ speaking performances of the representatives in the second task was better. It means that the students have fulfilled the criteria of performances. To sum up, Project Based Learning could be implemented in teaching speaking because it helps students to practice their English spoken language better.
Keywords: Speaking, Recount texts, Project Based Learning, Vocational High School students.