Name : Supali Gunarno
Program : Dramatic Arts
Dance and Music
Faculty : Languages
and Arts
Name : Surabaya
State University
Preceptor : Budi
Dharmawanputra, S.Pd., M.Pd
: 2021
Keywords: Learning Methods, Choir,
Karangturi International Choir
The One Voice choir at SMP Negeri 1
Surabaya is well-known for its several achievements both at the national and
international levels. Since Alexander Lassol started to become a trainer at SMP
Negeri 1 Surabaya in 2015, the One Voice choir's performance began to increase
dramatically. This study aims to answer the three problem formulations, namely
the planning of One Voice exercises, One Voice learning methods, and One Voice
learning outcomes.
This research method uses a qualitative
analysis approach. The object of this research is the method. learning the
choir of One Voice SMP Negeri 1 Surabaya in the framework of the 2019
Karangturi International Choir Competition, data collection was carried out by
interviews, observations, field notes, and documentation, and using data
analysis techniques with data reduction, data presentation and drawing
Learning in the context of the 2019
Karangturi International Choir competition One Voice has a training plan which
includes a physical exercise plan, vocal training, and listening / listening
training. The Exercise Planning is implemented to maximize the performance of
One Voice from the initial training process to performance. Alexander Lassol as
the One Voice choir coach, applies 3 methods in his learning. The three methods
applied by coach Alexander Lassol in learning the One Voice choir of SMP Negeri
1 Surabaya are the linear method, the method of training with friends, and the
drill method. The results of One Voice learning in the context of participating
in the 2019 Karangturi Choir Competition have been optimal. However, due to the
constraints of too little training time and the number of members who are sometimes
incomplete during practice, One Voice has not been able to meet the expected
achievement targets. Thus, the achievements made in this choir competition have