Development of an Assisted Evaluation Tool Based on Wondershare Quis Creator to Measure Reading Comprehension Skills in Grade 6 Elementary School Students
Alat evaluasi berbantuan wondershare quis creator digunakan untuk mengatasi tuntutan era teknologi 4.0 dan menghindari disrupsi pendidikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses dan hasil pengembangan alat evaluasi pembelajaran berbantuan wondershare quis creator untuk mengukur keterampilan membaca pemahaman. Penelitian yang dilakukan termasuk penelitian pengembangan dengan model 4-D. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas 6-A SDN Ngagel 1/394 Kecamatan Wonokromo Kota Surabaya berjumlah sebanyak 27 siswa.
Analisis data produk pengembangan alat evaluasi dilakukan dengan analysis validasi alat evaluasi, respon siswa dan guru, serta hasil belajar siswa menggunakan teknik analisis data. Hasil tahap pengembangan dilakukan melalui dua langkah, yakni (1) penilaian para ahli (expert), dan (2) uji coba pengembangan (development testing). Tahap penyebaran dengan memberikan aplikasi wondershare quis creator di KKG dan sekolah-sekolah. Hasil kualitas isi dan tujuan persentase kelayakan sebesar 97,5% (sangat layak), kelayakan intruksional alat denan persentase sebesar 98,3% (sangat layak). Kualitas teknik dengan persentase sebesar 97,5% (sangat layak). Kualitas pengembangan alat evaluasi berjenjang yang kedua adalah kepraktisan berjenjang berdasarkan kaidah perjenjangan alat yang ditinjau dari (1) aktivitas guru diperoleh presentase 98,33% (sangat baik); (2) aktivitas siswa diperoleh presentase 95,83% (baik); (3) respon siswa diperoleh presentase 90,21%. Keefektifan berdasarkan rata-rata nilai pretest sebesar 34,4 (tidak tuntas), sedangkan pada posttest sebesar 84,6 (tuntas). Peningkatan keterampilan membaca pemahaman kritis siswa kelas 6 berkategori tinggi dengan nilai skor rata-rata N-gain sebesar 0,76.
Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini bahwa kualitas alat evaluasi menggunakan aplikasi wondershare quis creator meliputi kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan sangat layak. Secara garis besar dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan alat evaluasi berbantuan wondeshare quis creator untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca pemahaman siswa kelas 6 sekolah dasar mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan.
The Wondershare Quis Creator-asssited evaluation tool is used to deal with the 4.0 technology era and avoid educational distractions. This study aims to determine the process and results of developing a wondershare quis creator-based learning evaluation tool to measure reading comprehension skills. The research carried out includes Research and Development. The development model has four stages called the Four-D Model. The subjects in this study were students of grade 6-A SDN Ngagel 1/394 Wonocromo District, Surabaya City operating as many as 27 students.
Analysis of product data for the development of evaluation tools was carried out by analyzing the validation of evaluation tools, student and teacher responses, and student learning outcomes. The development stage is carried out through two steps, namely (1) expert assessment (experts), and (2) development trials (development testing). The deployment stage results is by providing the Wondershare Quis Creator application at KKG and schools. The results of the quality and proportion of the proportion are 97.5% (very feasible), the proportion of infrastructure development is 98.3% (very feasible). Technical quality with a percentage of 97.5% (very decent). The quality of the development of the second tiered evaluation tool is tiered practicality based on the rules of the tiering of the tools in terms of (1) teacher activity obtained 98.33% or categorized as very good; (2) student activities get a percentage of 95.83% or in good category; (3) student responses get a percentage of 90.21%. The effectiveness based on the average pretest score was 34.4 (incomplete), while at the time of the posttest it was 84.6 (completed). The improvement of critical understanding reading skills of grade 6 students in the high category with an average N-gain score of 0.76.
The conclusion in this study is that the quality of the evaluation tool using the Wondershare Quis Creator application includes validity, practicality, and effectiveness. It was very feasible. In general, it could be said that the development of an evaluation tool assisted by the wondeshare quiz creator to improve the critical reading skills of grade 6 students has increased significantly.