Zakiyah. 2021.
The Development of ASEAN Smart Wheel Educational Game
Media Through Online Learning to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes in
Grade VI Elementary School. Thesis, Department
of Basic Education,
Postgraduate Program, State University of Surabaya, Advisors: (I) Prof. Dr. Yatim Riyanto, M.Pd, and (II) Dr. M.Jacky.M.Si.
Key words : development, educanional game , motivation, social studies learning outcomes , characteristics of ASEAN countries. One way that
teachers can do to motivate students to study hard is to use interesting media
in the distance or online learning process. This study aims to develop the
media "educational game smart wheel" and describe its feasibility and
effectiveness in increasing motivation and social studies learning outcomes
material geographical characteristics and social, cultural, economic and political
conditions of ASEAN countries in grade VI Elementary School.
This research was
conducted at SDN Pucang 3, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency in the second
semester of the 2020-2021 academic year. The research sample is class VIA as a
small-scale trial class (limited) and class VIB as an implementation class or
field trial. The development of learning media in this study uses the ADDIE
The results
showed: (1) the learning media developed met the criteria: (a) validity, the
results of the validator's assessment of learning media obtained a very good
category with an average percentage of 87.5% (b) eligibility, this was
evidenced by the teacher's response. and students with a percentage score of
>80% on the media which means positive, (c) the effectiveness, implied by
the limited trial class student activities in learning is in the ideal time
span, the results of filling out motivational questionnaires after using the
smart wheel educational game media increase to i.e. 93.3% (in the high
category), the average cognitive learning outcome is 88.5, classical
completeness reaches 85% (2) the smart wheel educational game media is
effective for teaching material on geographical characteristics and social,
cultural, economic and political conditions of the country ASEAN. This is
indicated by: (a) the activities of students in the implementation class in
learning are in the ideal time span, (b) the results of filling out
motivational questionnaires after using the smart wheel educational game media
increase to 90.11% (in the high category), (c) ) classical completeness of
cognitive learning outcomes reached 95%. Thus, the developed media can be used
as an alternative media in social studies learning for class VI elememtary
school and student responses to the media, questionnaires on student learning
motivation, and learning outcomes tests.