Riyadi. 2018. Development of Learning Materials with Project Based
Learning Model to Facilitate Higher Order Thinking Skill in “My Healthy and
Nutritious Meal” Subtheme in Fourth Grade of Primary School. Thesis, Primary Education Departement, Postgraduate of
Surabaya State University. Supervisors: (I)
Prof. Dr. Mustaji,
M.Pd., and (II) Dr. Sc. agr. Yuni Sri Rahayu, M.Si.
Key Words : Learning Matherials, Project Based Learning Model, Higher Order Thinking Skill, “My Healthy
and Nutritious Food” Subtheme.
This study aimed to develop
learning materials with project based learning model to facilitate higher
order thinking skill in my
healthy and nutritious food subtheme
in fourth grade of primary school. The research
was a developmental research carried out in two stages. The first stage was the preparation of developing learning
materials which consisted of 10 steps but the development step was only done
until the 9th stage of product development design revision until was ready for
be implemented. The developed learning materials
were including syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), student worksheet (LKS), student
textbooks, and assessment sheet. The second
stage was the implementation of learning using one group pretest-posttest
design. The data showed that the feasibility
of the learning materials validity was well categorized. The effectiveness of learning materials based on the
implementation of lesson plan indicated 97,55% and 98,45% (very well implemented); student activites indicated 97,55% and 98,45% %, it means that students were very
active; 90% student responded very well and 10%
responded well; the student learning competence
of good categorized, the student knowledge competence (reflected as a higher
order thinking skill ) was
complete individually and classically, and student skill competence was categorize
very good. It can be concluded that the
development of learning materials, with project based learning model to
facilitate higher order thinking skill subtheme “my healthy and nutritious food” in fourth grade, valid
and effective.