Tambak di kawasan utara, terutama di Desa Sukomulyo Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik, telah mengalami penurunan produksi sejak tahun 2009. Penurunannya berkisar antara 30-50% . Kematian massal udang pernah terjadi pada tahun 2019, hal ini menimbulkan kerugian besar pada petani tambak. Penelitian ini bertujuan mngetahui kualitas air tambak udang Desa Sukomulyo Kecamatan Manyar Kabupaten Gresik.
Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskiptif kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah observasi, dokumentasi, pengukuran dan uji laboratorium. Teknik analisis data menggunakan metode deskriptif, dengan acuan baku mutu kualitas air berdasarkan PermenKPRI 75 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pedoman Umum Pembesaran Udang Windu (Penaeus Monodom) Dan Udang Vaname (Litopennaeus Vannamei). Unit analisis adalah kawasan tambak udang desa Sukomulyo dan desa Roomo yang mendapat sumber pengairan air laut muara Sungai Sukomulyo dan Sungai Roomo.
Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa pada sampel 1(tambak yang berbatasan langsung dengan laut dan Sungai Sukomulyo), parameter yang tidak sesuai adalah pH, amonia, hidrogen sulfida, timbal, kadmium. Pada sampel 2 (kawasan tambak yang berbatasan dengan permukiman penduduk dan Sungai Sukomulyo) ,3 (kawasan tambak yang berada di dekat pemukiman penduduk dan berbatasan dengan Sungai Roomo) dan 4 (tambak yang berbatasan dengan laut dan Sungai Roomo), parameter yang tidak sesuai dengan baku mutu adalah pH, hidrogen sulfida, alkalinitas dan amonia.
Kata Kunci: Tambak udang, Kualitas air tambak
Abstract Ponds in the northern region, especially in Sukomulyo Village, Manyar District, Gresik Regency, have experienced a decline in production since 2009. The decline has been in the range of 30-50 percent. Mass deaths have occurred in 2019, this causes huge losses to pond farmers. This study aims to determine the quality of shrimp pond water in Sukomulyo Village, Manyar District, Gresik Regency. This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, documentation, measurement and laboratory testing. Data analysis technique used descriptive method, with reference to water quality standards based on PermenKPRI 75 of 2016 concerning General Guidelines for Enlargement of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodom) and Shrimp Vaname (Litopennaeus Vannamei). The unit of analysis is the shrimp pond area of Sukomulyo Village and Roomo Village which are source of sea water irrigation in the mouth of the Sukomulyo River and the Roomo River. The results of the study stated that in sample 1 (ponds that border directly with the sea and Sukomulyo River), the parameters that were not suitable were the pH, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, lead, cadmium. In sample 2 (the area of the pond bordering the settlements and the Sukomulyo River), 3 (the area of the pond near the settlement area and bordering the Roomo River) and 4 (the pond bordering the sea and the Roomo River), the parameters which not in accordance with quality standards are pH, hydrogen sulfide, alkalinity and ammonia. Keywords: shrimp ponds, pond water quality
This type of research is quantitative descriptive research. Sampling using a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were observation, documentation, measurement and laboratory testing. Data analysis technique used descriptive method, with reference to water quality standards based on PermenKPRI 75 of 2016 concerning General Guidelines for Enlargement of Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodom) and Shrimp Vaname (Litopennaeus Vannamei). The unit of analysis is the shrimp pond area of Sukomulyo Village and Roomo Village which are source of sea water irrigation in the mouth of the Sukomulyo River and the Roomo River.
The results of the study stated that in sample 1 (ponds that border directly with the sea and Sukomulyo River), the parameters that were not suitable were the pH, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, lead, cadmium. In sample 2 (the area of the pond bordering the settlements and the Sukomulyo River), 3 (the area of the pond near the settlement area and bordering the Roomo River) and 4 (the pond bordering the sea and the Roomo River), the parameters which not in accordance with quality standards are pH, hydrogen sulfide, alkalinity and ammonia.