Penelitian pengembangan (R&D) ini dilakukan dengan tujuan menghasilkan produk berupa media perencanaan karier “Buku Saku Digital” untuk siswa SMA yang memenuhi kriteria akseptabilitas. Model ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) menjadi model yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan produk media buku saku digital perencanaan karier siswa SMA berbasis teori Holland. Hasil penelitian ini berupa produk media yang memperoleh hasil sebesar 82% dengan kategori “Sangat Sesuai” dari ahli materi, hasil sebesar 89% yang berkategori “Sangat Sesuai” dari ahli media dan hasil sebesar 85% berkategori “Sangat Sesuai” dari hasil uji coba calon pengguna. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media buku saku digital perencanaan karier siswa SMA berbasis teori Holland, telah memenuhi nilai akseptabilitas produk. Hal tersebut meliputi aspek kelayakan, kegunaan, kepatutan, dan ketepatan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba kepada peserta didik didapatkan hasil dengan rata – rata keseluruhan sebesar 55,4 yang berkategorikan “Tinggi”, dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan media buku saku digital perencanaan karier siswa berdampak baik terhadap perencanaan karier peserta didik. Implikasi media buku saku digital perencanaan karier siswa SMA berbasis teori Holland terhadap perguruan tinggi terutama dalam program studi bimbingan dan konseling yakni dapat menambah kajian teoritis terhadap penelitian yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Sedangkan implikasi media terhadap guru BK dapat menambah media layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang dapat digunakan siswa untuk layanan khususnya dalam bidang karier disekolah maupun luar sekolah.
This research and development (R&D) was carried out with the aim of producing a product in the form of a career planning media, "Digital Pocket Book," for SMA Negeri 12 Surabaya students that met the acceptability criteria. The ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) model is a model used to develop digital pocketbook media products for career planning for high school students based on Holland's theory. The results of this study are in the form of a digital pocketbook media product for high school students' career planning based on Holland's theory, obtained a result of 82% with the category of "Very Appropriate" from material experts, a result of 89% in the category of "Very Appropriate" from media experts and a result of 85% in the category of "Very Appropriate" from the results of the trial of prospective users. So, the digital pocketbook media for high school students' career planning, based on Holland's theory, has met the value of product acceptability. This includes aspects of feasibility, usability, propriety, and accuracy. Based on the results of the trial on students, the results were obtained with an overall average of 55.4, which is categorized as "High," and it can be concluded that the use of digital pocketbook media for student career planning has a good impact on student career planning. The implications of the digital pocketbook media for high school students' career planning based on Holland's theory on universities, especially in the guidance and counseling study program, can add theoretical studies to the research that will be carried out next. Meanwhile, the implications of media for BK teachers can add to the media of guidance and counseling services that students can use for services, especially in the field of careers in school and outside of school.