Dimas Dananjaya. 2020. Evaluasi Program Pembinaan Prestasi Atlet Bolavoli Putri Surabaya Bank Jatim. Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Pembimbing: (I) Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., (II) Dr. Yonny Herdyanto, M.Kes.
Kata-kata kunci : evaluasi, program pembinaan prestasi atlet, bolavoli
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran secara utuh tentang pembinaan prestasi di klub Surabaya Bank Jatim, dan secara khusus penelitian ini juga untuk menganalisis esensi organisasi serta struktur kebijakan olahraga bolavoli di klub Surabaya Bank Jatim, menganalisis standarisasi penjaringan atlet, pelatih, dan fasilitas serta finansial support, menganalisis pola perkembangan dan pembinaan model latihan olahraga bolavoli yang telah dilakukan, serta menganalisis hasil prestasi olahraga bolavoli yang dicapai oleh atlet dan klub.
Model evaluasi yang digunakan adalah evaluasi Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP). Subjek penelitian diperoleh secara purposive yang meliputi pengurus, pelatih dan atlet. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah 1. Observasi, 2. Wawancara, 3. Studi Dokumentasi, 4. Angket dan Kuesioner. Dalam proses pengumpulan data juga dilakukan secara online agar membantu mempercepat proses analisis hasil penelitian yang didapat karena situasi dan kondisi pendemi Covid-19 ini.
Berkaitan dengan tujuan karena penelitian ini menggunakan model evaluasi CIPP maka, pada aspek conteks, tentang dukungan perusahaan terkait pembinaan prestasi secara 100% mendukung adanya dan keterlaksanaan dari program pembinaan prestasi atlet bolavoli putri Surabaya bank Jatim dimana antara pengurus dan pelatih bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan program tersebut. Untuk aspek input, ketersedian sarana dan prasarana dapat dikatakan sudah memadai namun perlu adanya penambahan dibeberapa sektor, baik berupa penambahan ruang laboratorium olahraga maupun penambahan alat untuk weight training. Dalam aspek process, perlu adanya peningkatan untuk tolok ukur keberhasilan atlet dan pelatih, dan juga menambah kerja sama dengan instansi lain terkait pemahaman dan program pengembangan latihan yang didasari sport science agar hasil dapat lebih maksimal. Sedangkan untuk aspek product, hasil dari program pembinaan prestasi atlet di Bank Jatim, benar dikatan berhasil atas beberapa prestasi yang telah dicapai, tentunya pada kejuaraan LIVOLI dalam kurun waktu 5 tahun terakhir dan pula beberapa atlet masuk dalam PELATNAS atau PUSLATDA.
Terlepas dari hasil program pembinaan tentunya ada beberapa hal yang harus ditingkatkan agar hasil yang dicapai dapat meningkat dan semakin baik, termasuk meningkatkan kerjasama dibidang IPTEK dengan instansi dan para ahli baik dari akademisi maupun institusi yang terkait sport science yang berupa test berkala tentang pengukuran kondisi fisik, mendatangkan ahli gizi, penambahan pelatih khusus fisik, adanya measure dan fioterapis untuk atlet yang sedang mengalami cedera ataupun perwatan pasca cedera, serta penambahan beberapa ruang baik Laboratorium dan ruang fitness.
Dimas Dananjaya. 2020. Evaluation of Bank Jatim's Surabaya Women's Volleyball Athlete Development Program. Thesis, Sports Education Study Program, Surabaya State University Postgraduate Program. Advisor: (I) Dr. Agus Hariyanto, M.Kes., (II) Dr. Yonny Herdyanto, M.Kes.
Key words: evaluation, athlete performance development program, volleyball
This study aims to obtain a complete picture of achievement coaching in the Surabaya Bank Jatim club, and specifically this research is also to analyze the essence of the organization and policy structure of volleyball at the Surabaya Bank Jatim club, to analyze the standardization of the selection of athletes, coaches, facilities and financial support. , analyzing patterns of development and coaching of volleyball sports training models that have been carried out, and analyzing the results of volleyball sports achievements achieved by athletes and clubs.
The evaluation model used is Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) evaluation. The research subjects were obtained purposively, including administrators, coaches and athletes. The data collection techniques used in the study were 1. Observation, 2. Interview, 3. Documentation Study, 4. Questionnaire and Questionnaire. In the process of collecting data, it is also carried out online to help speed up the process of analyzing research results obtained due to the situation and conditions of the Covid-19 epidemic.
In connection with the objectives, because this study uses the CIPP evaluation model, in the context aspect, the company support related to achievement development is 100% supporting the existence and implementation of the women's volleyball athlete development program in Surabaya, Bank Jatim, where the management and coaches work together to develop the program. . For the input aspect, the availability of facilities and infrastructure can be said to be adequate but it is necessary to add in several sectors, both in the form of additional sports laboratory space and additional equipment for weight training. In the process aspect, there needs to be an increase in measuring the success of athletes and coaches, and also increasing collaboration with other agencies regarding understanding and training development programs based on sports science so that results can be maximized. As for the product aspect, the results of the athlete achievement development program at Bank Jatim, it is true that it was successful for several achievements that have been achieved, of course at the LIVOLI championship in the last 5 years and also some athletes have entered PELATNAS or PUSLATDA.
Apart from the results of the coaching program, of course there are several things that must be improved so that the results achieved can be improved and better, including increasing cooperation in the field of science and technology with agencies and experts from both academia and institutions related to sports science in the form of periodic tests on measuring physical conditions, bringing in nutritionists, adding a special physical trainer, a measure and a physiotherapist for athletes who are experiencing injuries or post-injury treatment, as well as adding several rooms both the laboratory and fitness room