Setiap orang memerlukan kebugaran jasmani yang baik agar dapat bekerja secara produktif dan efisien tanpa merasa lelah secara fisik. Kurangnya minat masyarakat pada olahraga dapat berdampak buruk kepada aktivitas masyarakat tersendiri. Di era perkembangan teknologi yang cukup pesat saat ini, remaja lebih gemar bermain ponsel daripada melakukan aktivitas berolahraga. Sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia di Perumahan Pondok Wage Indah II sangat mumpuni dan selalu dirawat oleh warga setempat sehingga fasilitasnya selalu di upgrade, namun masyarakat sekitar khususnya pada remaja peneliti berasumsi bahwa remaja kurang berminat dalam melakukan olahraga. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat dan faktor apa yang paling mempengaruhi pada masyarakat Desa Wage. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif. Deskriptif yang dimaksudkan adalah untuk memberikan gambaran tentang minat remaja Pondok Wage Indah II dalam mengikuti olahraga bolavoli. Tujuan survei adalah mengumpulkan informasi mengenai sejumlah besar orang dengan menggunakan kuesioner dari sebagian kecil populasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan persentase kemudian dianalisis dan ditarik kesimpulan, data diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik analisis statistik. Sebanyak 58 responden dengan indikator ketertarikan memiliki skor terendah 59,20% sedangkan skor tertinggi 63,79%, dan rata-rata 61,21%. Indikator perhatian didapat skor terendah 51,2%, dengan skor tertinggi yaitu 74,71%, dan rata-rata nya 61,35%. Indikator kebutuhan skor terendah didapat yaitu 52,30%, skor tertinggi dengan nilai persentase 81,61%, dan rata-rata nya adalah 70,37%. Hasil penelitian dari indikator ketertarikan memiliki kategori sedang dengan nilai persentase 61,21%, dari indikator perhatian memiliki kategori sedang dengan nilai persentase 61,35%, sedangkan dari indikator kebutuhan memiliki kategori sedang dengan nilai persentase 70,37%. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebanyak 58 Masyarakat Dalam Melakukan Kegiatan Olahraga Bola Voli Di Desa Wage Kabupaten Sidoarjo memiliki kategori “Sedang” dengan nilai persentase 66,09%. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa faktor yang paling mempengaruhi minat masyarakat Desa wage dalam melakukan olahraga bolavoli yaitu “faktor kebutuhan” dengan nilai persentase 70,37%. Faktor kebutuhan sangat berpengaruh karena masyarakat berasumsi bahwa kegiatan olahraga bola voli dapat menjaga kebugaran dan dapat meningkatkan kesehatan bagi mereka.
Kata Kunci: Kebugaran Jasmani, Minat, Olahraga Bolavoli.
Everyone needs good physical fitness to be able to work productively and efficiently without feeling physically tired. Lack of public interest in sports can have a negative impact on certain community activities. In the current era of rapid technological development, teenagers prefer playing with cell phones rather than doing sports activities. The facilities and infrastructure available at the Pondok Wage Indah II Housing Complex are very qualified and always maintained by local residents so that the facilities are always upgraded, however, the surrounding community, especially teenagers, researchers assume that teenagers are less interested in playing sports. The aim of this research is to find out what interests and factors most influence the people of Wage Village. The research method used is quantitative descriptive. The description intended is to provide an overview of the interest of Pondok Wage Indah II teenagers in participating in volleyball. The purpose of a survey is to collect information about a large number of people using questionnaires from a small portion of the population. The data was analyzed descriptively using percentages and then analyzed and conclusions were drawn. The data was obtained using statistical analysis techniques. A total of 58 respondents with interest indicators had the lowest score of 59.20% while the highest score was 63.79%, and the average was 61.21%. The attention indicator obtained the lowest score of 51.2%, with the highest score being 74.71%, and the average was 61.35%. The lowest score required indicator was 52.30%, the highest score was 81.61%, and the average was 70.37%. The research results of the interest indicator have a medium category with a percentage value of 61.21%, the attention indicator has a medium category with a percentage value of 61.35%, while the needs indicator has a medium category with a percentage value of 70.37%. So it can be concluded that as many as 58 communities carrying out volleyball sports activities in Wage Village, Sidoarjo Regency have the "Medium" category with a percentage value of 66.09%. Based on these results, it was concluded that the factor that most influences the interest of the Wage Village community in playing volleyball is the "need factor" with a percentage value of 70.37%. The need factor is very influential because people assume that volleyball sports activities can maintain fitness and can improve their health.
Key Word: Physical fitness, Interest, Volleyball Sport.