Pemanfaatan Ekoenzim Berbahan Limbah Kulit Jeruk dan Kulit Nanas sebagai Agen Remediasi LAS Detergen
Utilization of Eco-enzymes from Citrus Peels and Pineapple Peels Waste as Detergent LAS Remediator Agent
Linear Alkylbenzena Sulfonate (LAS) merupakan salah satu polutan terbesar di perairan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) karakteristik ekoenzim berbahan limbah kulit jeruk dan kulit nanas. (2) pengaruh berbagai konsentrasi ekoenzim dalam menurunkan kadar LAS dan kualitas air. (3) konsentrasi ekoenzim yang optimal dalam menurunkan kadar LAS dan kualitas air. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan satu faktor perlakuan yaitu konsentrasi ekoenzim (0%, 5%, dan 10%) selama 5 hari. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Ekologi Biologi FMIPA Unesa. Terdapat dua tahapan penelitian yaitu, tahap pembuatan ekoenzim dengan parameter yang diukur berupa pH, suhu, dan TDS. Tahap implementasi dengan parameter yang diukur berupa kadar LAS dan kualitas air (DO, BOD, pH, suhu, dan TDS). Teknik analisis data tahap pertama dilakukan secara deskriptif kuantitatif sedangkan tahap kedua meliputi parameter kadar LAS dilakukan secara statistik menggunakan ANOVA satu arah dilanjutkan uji Duncan kemudian hasilnya mengacu pada PERGUB Jatim No. 72 Tahun 2013 dan parameter kualitas air menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) karakteristik ekoenzim memiliki rerata pH (3,69), suhu (26,8)℃, dan TDS 1308 ppm. (2) berbagai konsentrasi ekoenzim mempengaruhi penurunan kadar LAS dan kualitas air. Kadar LAS dari tinggi ke rendah berturut-turut 0% (8,30 ppm), 10 % (7,00 ppm), dan 5% (5,90 ppm). Kualitas air DO 0% (4,02 ppm), 5% (1,43 ppm), 10% (1 ppm); BOD 0% (1,19 ppm), 5% (0,54 ppm), 10% (0,77 ppm); pH 0% (7,20), 5% (6,11), 10% (5,30); suhu 0% (26,73℃), 5% (26,76℃), 10% (26,8℃); dan TDS 0% (0,65 ppm), 5% (242,16 ppm), 10% (409,66 ppm). (3) konsentrasi 5% lebih optimal dalam menurunkan kadar LAS, namun masih di atas baku mutu yang ditetapkan, yaitu 3 ppm.
Linear Alkylbenzena Sulfonate (LAS) is one of the largest pollutants in the water. This study was aimed to determine: (1) the characteristics of eco-enzymes from citrus peels and pineapple peels waste. (2) the effect of using eco-enzymes at various consentration in decreasing LAS levels and water quality. (3) the optimal concetration of eco-enzymes in decreasing LAS levels and water quality. This study was an experimental using Randomized Completely Design with one treatment factor, namely the concentration of eco-enzymes at 0%, 5%, and 10% for 5 days. The study was conducted at the Ecology Laboratory, Biology, FMIPA Unesa. There are two stages of study, namely, the stage of making ecoenzymes with the parameters measured in the form of pH, temperature, and TDS. The implementation phase with the measured parameters in the form of LAS levels and water quality (DO, BOD, pH, temperature, and TDS). The first stage of data analysis technique was carried out in a quantitative descriptive manner, while the second stage included the LAS level parameter which was carried out statistically using one-way ANOVA followed by Duncan's test. Then the result refers to PERGUB JATIM No. 72 of 2013 and water quality parameters using quantitative descriptive. The results of the study showed: (1) the characteristics of the ecoenzyme had a mean pH (3.69), temperature (26.8)℃, and TDS of 1308 ppm. (2) various concentrations of ecoenzymes affect the decrease in LAS levels and water quality. LAS levels from high to low were 0% (8.30 ppm), 10% (7.00 ppm), and 5% (5.90 ppm). DO water quality 0% (4.02 ppm), 5% (1.43 ppm), 10% (1 ppm); BOD 0% (1.19 ppm), 5% (0.54 ppm), 10% (0.77 ppm); pH 0% (7.20), 5% (6.11), 10% (5.30); temperature 0% (26.73℃), 5% (26.76℃), 10% (26.8℃); and TDS 0% (0.65 ppm), 5% (242.16 ppm), 10% (409.66). (3) 5% concentration is more optimal in reducing LAS levels, but still above the specified quality standard, which is 3 ppm.