Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu model permainan dan mengkaji pengaruh permainan sportshall circuit games terhadap kemampuan gerak dasar lokomotor dan enjoyment siswi SD YIMI Full Day School Kecamatan Gresik. Digunakan jenis penelitian pengembangan atau Research and Development (R&D). Penelitian dimodifikasi dan hanya menggunakan hingga 8 langkah pengembangan. Hasil penelitian yang didasarkan pada hasil penghitungan persentase dan analisis statistik dari beberapa instrumen berupa kuesioner : (1) permainan cukup layak untuk digunakan, (2) pembelajaran tersebut cukup layak untuk digunakan, (3) berdasarkan ahli evaluasi pembelajaran bahwa permainan dalam pembelajaran tersebut cukup layak untuk digunakan, (4) ada perbedaan antara tingkat enjoyment untuk pretest dan posttest sebesar 8,32%, (5) Hasil TGMD-2 subtest lokomotor dari pretest-posttest meningkat sebesar 5,7%. Simpulan: terdapat pengaruh permainan sportshall circuit games terhadap tingkat kemampuan gerak dasar lokomotor sebesar 5,7% dan terhadap tingkat enjoyment siswi SD YIMI Full Day School Kecamatan Gresik sebesar 8,32%.
This study aims to produce a game model and examine the effect of sportshall circuit games on the locomotor skills and enjoyment of girl students at YIMI Full Day Elementary School Gresik District. A type of research and development (R&D) is used. The study was modified and only used up to 8 steps of development. The results of the study are based on the results of percentage calculation and statistical analysis of several instruments in the form of a questionnaire: (1) the game is feasible enough to be used, (2) the learning is decent enough to be used, (3) based on the learning evaluation expert that the game in learning is quite feasible to be used, (4) there is a difference between the level of enjoyment for pretest and posttest at 8.32%, (5) The TGMD-2 locomotor subtest results from the pretest-posttest increased by 5.7%. Conclusion: there is an effect of sportshall circuit games on the locomotor skills rate of 5.7% and on the enjoyment level of YIMI Full Day Elementary School students at Gresik District at 8.32%.