Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan, menguji efektivitas dan validitas model latihan DEWAWIKU terhadap performa fisik pemain sepakbola. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian ADDIE. Pengembangan model DEWAWIKU dimulai dengan analisis masalah kurangnya program latihan sepakbola holistic yang menggabungkan aspek teknik, fisik, taktik, dan mental, yang dapat menurunkan motivasi dan efektivitas pemain. Desain DEWAWIKU mengintegrasikan konsep SET-M Long Interval dengan latihan taktikal dan teknikal. Validasi desain dilakukan melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD) dengan tiga ahli: sepakbola, fisik, dan permainan. Implementasi melibatkan dua tahap uji coba dengan 12 sampel di kelompok kecil dan 20 sampel di kelompok besar, terdiri dari Mahasiswa Unit Kegiatan Sepakbola Unesa usia 19-21 tahun selama 1 bulan, 3 kali per minggu. Evaluasi akhir menggunakan Yoyo Intermitten Recovery Test Level 1 dan RAST untuk keefektifitasan model DEWAWIKU. Analisis data menggunakan uji Aiken’V, Shapiro Wilk, dan Paired Sampel Test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perbedaan antara pretest dan posttest DEWAWIKU. Variabel aerobic, peak power, mean power, fatique index dan lactate week (LW) 1-4 menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan dengan nilai signifikansi dibawah 0.05. Sedangkan LW 1-2 dan LW 1-3 tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) Pengembangan model latihan DEWAWIKU terbukti mampu meningkatkan performa fisik pemain sepakbola, (2) Pengembangan model latihan DEWAWIKU teruji valid dan efektif dalam Peningkatan performa fisik pemain sepakbola.
This study aims to develop, test the effectiveness, and validate the DEWAWIKU model for improving soccer players' physical performance. The study employs the ADDIE research method. The development of the DEWAWIKU model begins with analyzing the issue of inadequate holistic soccer training programs that integrate technical, physical, tactical, and mental aspects, which can decrease player motivation and effectiveness. The DEWAWIKU design integrates the SET-M Long Interval concept with tactical training. Design validation was conducted through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) involving three experts: in soccer, physical training, and game strategies. Implementation involved two trial phases with 12 samples in the small group and 20 samples in the large group, consisting of Soccer Coaching students from Unesa aged 19-21 years, over 1 month with a frequency of 3 times per week. The final evaluation uses the Yoyo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 and RAST for the effectiveness of the DEWAWIKU model. The research results show differences between the DEWAWIKU pretest and posttest. Variables such as aerobic capacity, peak power, mean power, fatigue index, and LW1-4 show significant differences with significance values below 0.05, while LW1-2 and LW1-3 do not show significant differences. The conclusions of this study are: (1) The development of the DEWAWIKU model has proven capable of improving the physical performance of soccer players, and (2) The DEWAWIKU model has been validated and proven effective in enhancing the physical performance of soccer players.