Fina, Indiarti. (2023). The Development of e-Worksheet based on Problem Based
Learning to Increasing Critical Thinking and Collaborative on the Muscular
System in Eight Junior High School. Thesis, Educational Technology Study
Program, Postgraduate, Surabaya State University. Supervisor
(I) Prof. Mustaji, M.Pd., dan (II) Utari Dewi, S.Sn., M.Pd.
Keywords : e-Worksheet, Problem
Based Learning, Critical Thinking, Collaborative, Muscular
System, SAINS
This research aims to develop
e-Worksheets Based on Problem-Based Learning that are suitable to use and increase
students' critical thinking and collaboration skills in the subject of the
Muscular System for eighth-grade students.
The study was conducted at SMPN Tikung with research subjects
from eighth-grade students in the first semester of the academic year
2023/2024. This research using Research and Development (R&D) with
Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation (ADDIE)
development model. It is an experimental study with a post-test only control
group design. Data collection used questionnaire instruments and tests. The
critical thinking essay instrument and collaborative questionnaire was
validated using Pearson Correlation and tested for reliability using Cronbach's
Alpha. Normality test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov, while homogeneity test used
Levene. Prerequisite tests were conducted with Independent Samples Test. The
researcher utilized SPSS version 26 for data analysis.
The results of the first hypothesis test found that the e-Worksheet
is suitable to use in learning the Muscular System. This suitability was
obtained from media experts, material experts, learning design, and user
trials. The results of the second hypothesis test showed a difference in the
average scores between the control class is 46.33, lower than the average score
of the experimental class, which was 79. The third hypothesis found a
comparison of collaboration skills between the control class with an average
score of 67.53 and the experimental class with an average score of 75.23. This
means that students' collaboration skills are related to students' critical
thinking skills, with the statement that the higher the collaboration skills of
students, the higher their collaboration skills.