BKK in preparing human capital in the field of office management at
vocational schools case study at SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya in the field of
office management. In this research the method used is a qualitative
method. The data collection techniques used in this research used
observation, interview and documentation techniques. The data analysis
techniques used in this research are data collection, data reduction, data
presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results of this research show that the role of BKK SMK
Negeri 1 Surabaya has been running optimally, of the five existing roles,
BKK SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya has carried out all its roles well. BKK SMK
Negeri 1 Surabaya is consistent in carrying out career/position
counseling and guidance activities through character development
programs and guest teacher activities. BKK also has a good cooperative
relationship with DU/DI. Apart from that, in carrying out its role, BKK
has also carried out activities to facilitate job seekers to get jobs, which can
be seen from the satisfaction of students and alumni who receive employment information provided by BKK. So in the future, the role of
BKK needs to be further developed to be more optimal. BKK SMK
Negeri 1 Surabaya as a whole is very helpful starting from the
preparation, distribution and placement of its graduates,
especially in the field of office management, into the world of work. This
can be done well because the impact of the work program or activity
agenda that has been carried out by BKK is very diverse which has been
explained in the discussion chapter, so it is very beneficial for class 12
students, graduates, work partner companies DUDI, and is
very useful for the head of the office management skills program in helping
grade 12 students and alumni/graduates, especially in the office
management field, in preparing, distributing and placing them according
to their skill competencies.
Keywords: Special Job Fair BKK role of BKK, preparation
and distribution of students, graduates, vocational schools