Kuping gajah daun bayam adalah kue kering yang dibuat dari adonan tepung terigu, gula halus, telur, butter, santan, vanili, dan penambahan daun bayam. Rekayasa ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Untuk mengetahui formula dalam pembuatan “Pembuatan Kue Kering Kuping Gajah (Rolled Morin Cookies) dengan Penambahan Puree Daun Bayam Hijau (Amaranthus Tricolor I)”, 2) Untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap hasil jadi kue kering kuping gajah yang ditambahkan dengan daun bayam meliputi warna, aroma, bentuk, kerenyahan, dan rasa, 3) Untuk mengetahui kandungan gizi Karbohidrat, zat besi, phosphor, kalium, vitamin A yang ada pada kue kering kuping gajah yang ditambah dengan daun bayam per 100 gram berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium, 4) Untuk mengetahui harga jual produk dari kue kering kuping gajah yang ditambahkan dengan daun bayam per 100 gram.
Rekayasa pembuatan ini dilakukan dengan tiga kali uji coba. Rekayasa ke-I dilakukan di Laboratorium pengolahan makanan lantai 2 gedung A3, Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya (UNESA). Rekayasa ke-II dilakakukan di lab BBC di gedung A3 lantai 1 Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya (UNESA). Rekayasa ke-III dilakukan di Laboratorium Bakery dan Pastry di Jurusan Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya (UNESA). Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan 30 panelis. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan presentase. Uji kandungan gizi berupa vit A, karbohidart, zat besi, protein, dan kalsium dilakukan dengan uji laboratorium. Perhitungan harga jual menggunakan cara konvensional.
Formula kue kering kuping gajah daun bayam setelah uji coba rekayasa yakni : 1) adonan putih : tepung terigu 150 gram, gula bubuk 40 gram, butter 30 gram, telur 24 gram, vanili 4 gram, garam 2,5 gram, santan 50 ml, 2) Adonan hijau : tepung terigu 150 gram, gula bubuk 40 gram, butter 30 gram, telur 24 gram, vanili 4 gram, garam 2,5 gram, santan 20 ml, Ektrak daun bayam 30 ml.
Hasil uji kesukaan atau uji hedonik terhadap hasil jadi kue kering kuping gajah daun bayam adalah : 60% panelis menyatakan sangat suka terhadap warna, 67% panelis menyatakan sangat suka terhadap aroma, 63% panelis menyatakan sangat suka terhadap bentuk, 63% panelis menyatakan sangat suka terhadap kerenyahan, dan 63% panelis menyatakan sangat suka terhadap rasa.
Kandungan zat gizi dari Pembuatan Kue Kering Kuping Gajah (Rolled Morin Cookies) dengan Penambahan Puree Daun Bayam Hijau (Amaranthus Tricolor I) per 100 gram berdasarkan uji laboratorium adalah : 1) VitA 193 mg, 2) karbohidrat 75%, 3) Zat besi 3 mg, 4) Phospor 41 mg dan 5) Kalsium 200 mg. Harga jual kue kering kuping gajah daun bayam adalah Rp 7.600,00 per 100 gram.
Spinach leaf elephant ears are cookies made from flour dough, refined sugar, eggs, butter, coconut milk, vanilla, and the addition of spinach leaves. This engineering aims to: 1) To find out the formula in making "Making of Elephanted Ear Cakes (Rolled Morin Cookies) with Addition of Green Spinach Leaves Puree (Amaranthus Tricolor I)", 2) To find out the level of preference of panelists on the results of finished elephant ear cookies added with spinach leaves include color, aroma, shape, crispness, and taste, 3) To determine the nutritional content of carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A in elephant ear cookies added with spinach leaves per 100 grams based on laboratory test results, 4) To find out the selling price of products from elephant ears pastries added with spinach leaves per 100 grams.
This manufacturing engineering was carried out with three trials. The first engineering was carried out in the food processing laboratory on the 2nd floor of building A3, Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UNESA). The second engineering was carried out in the BBC lab in building A3, 1st floor, Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UNESA). The third engineering was carried out at the Bakery and Pastry Laboratory in the Department of Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering, University of Surabaya (UNESA). The data collection technique was carried out with 30 panelists. The data analysis technique used is quantitative descriptive technique with a percentage. Tests of nutrient content in the form of vitamin A, carbohydrates, iron, protein, and calcium were carried out by laboratory tests. Calculation of selling prices using conventional methods.
Formula for spinach elephant ear cookies after engineering trials are: 1) white dough: 150 gram wheat flour, 40 gram sugar powder, 30 gram butter, 24 gram egg, 4 gram vanilla, 2.5 gram salt, 50 ml coconut milk, 2) Green dough: 150 gram flour, 40 gram powdered sugar, 30 gram butter, 24 gram egg, 4 gram vanilla, 2.5 gram salt, 20 ml coconut milk, 30 ml spinach leaf extract.
The results of the hedonic or favorite test of the finished spinach leaves are: 60% of panelists said they really liked the color, 67% of the panelists said they really liked the aroma, 63% of the panelists said they really liked the shape, 63% of the panelists said they really liked for crispness, and 63% of panelists said they really liked the taste.
The nutritional content of Making Rolled Morin Cookies with the addition of Amaranthus Tricolor I per 100 grams based on laboratory tests are: 1) VitA 193 mg, 2) 75% carbohydrate, 3) Iron 3 mg, 4) phosphorus 41 mg and 5) Calcium 200 mg. The selling price of spinach leaves elephant ear cookies is IDR 7,600.00 per 100 grams.