Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) saat ini sedang mengalami perkembangan yang sangat penting atau pesat, dan dunia pendidikan sedang mengalami proses perubahan sistem pendidikan. Kondisi tersebut mengharuskan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonessia melakukan penyesuaian sistem pembelajaran yang mewajibkan setiap Lembaga pendidikan untuk tetap melaksanakan proses pembelajaran dengan penerapan protokol Kesehatan. Beberapa Lembaga pendidikan telah menerapkan berbagai bahan ajar dalam mengatasi pandemi saat ini, salah satunya adalah pemanfaatan media pembelajaran khususnya media pembelajaran berbasis web. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan serta mengetahui efekvitias pembelajaran pemrograman web terhadap pengaruh hasil belajar atau prestasi peserta didik. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah one groups pretest-posttest design. Hasil kelayakan media pembelajaran bernama Inter oleh para ahli antara lain hasil validasi media sebesar 88%, hasil validasi RPP sebesar 95,56%, hasil validasi soal pretest dan posttest sebesar 95,29%, sedangkan untuk hasil validasi angket respon sebesar 71,43%. Hasil akhir nilai rata-rata siswa dari pre-test adalah 47,58 dan 82,25 setelah menggunakan media pembelajaran inter dimana menunjukkan adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar pemrograman web pada kelas XI peserta didik jurusan Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak di SMKS Semen Gresik.
Kata Kunci: Media Pembelajaran, Efektvitas, Web, Pemrograman Web
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is presently experiencing a completely full-size or fast improvement, in addition to the sector of training which is likewise present education system. This circumstance calls for the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia to make modifications to the getting to know device which calls for each academic organization to preserve to perform the getting to know method with the aid of using enforcing the Health protokol. Several academic establishments have carried out numerous coaching substances in overcoming the present day pandemic, one in all that's using getting to know media, mainly internet-primarily based totally getting to know media. The reason of this look at turned into to enhance and decide the effectiveness of getting to know internet programming at the impact of getting to know effects or pupil success. The researcher makes use of the Research and Development (R&D) studies approach with the ADDIE improvement model. The studies approach used is one groups pretest-posttest design. The outcomes of the feasibility of the getting to know media named Inter with the aid of using specialists consist of the outcomes of media validation with the aid of using 88%, the outcomes of RPP validation 95.56%, the outcomes of the validation of pretest and posttest questions of 95,29%, even as for the outcomes of the questionnaire reaction validation outcomes of 71.43% . The very last end result of the common pretest result is 47,58 and after the usage of web learning media inter become 82,25 which shows there's an growth in internet programming getting to know success for 11th grade students major in Sofware Engineering Semen Gresik Vocational Highscool.
Keywords: Learning Media, Effectiveness, Web, Web Programming