PT. PLN (Persero) Unit Distibusi Jawa Timur menerapkan sistem pengelolaan pegawai berbasis MSDM-BK yaitu sebuah model pengelolaan pegawai yang prosesnya didasarkan pada informasi tentang Kebutuhan Kompetensi Jabatan (KKJ) dalam organisasi dan informasi tentang kompetensi masing-masing individu. Dalam pengelolaan informasi Pembinaan Level Kompetensi, pegawai SDM masih menggunakan cara semi manual yaitu dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Dengan data yang cukup banyak dan akan bertambah setiap waktunya pegawai SDM sering kali mengalami hang/error. Dengan masalah tersebut mendorong terbentuknya Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Kenaikan Grade dan Level Kompetensi berbasis website dengan menggunakan Framework Laravel. System ini diimplementasikan dengan metode waterfall yang memiliki tahap analisis kebutuhan, desain system, implementasi, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba melalui kuesioner kepada pegawai PLN khususnya bidang pengembangan SDM didapatkan hasil 74% system ini seperti yang diharapkan, 82% mempermudah pegawai SDM dalam mengetahui hasil kenaikan Grade dan Level Kompetensi, 68% data informasi yang tersimpan akurat dan sesuai yang ditambahkan, 68% mempermudah kinerja pegawai SDM dan 56 % tampilan dan fungsi tombol pada system mudah dimengerti.
Kata Kunci : Informasi, Level Kompetensi, pegawai SDM.
PT. PLN (Persero) East Java Distribution Unit has system to change the grade of the employee, the company used the HR Management system based on Human Resource Management based on the competency, this system model whose process is based on information about the Position Competency Needs in individual. In managing Competency Level Coaching information, PLN still using the semi manual method by using Microsoft Excel, but if often happen to be crash and error. Therefore with these problems, we need system that can help with these problems, as we know that with the advanced technology these days, using web system can help with these kind of old dated system. And so, in order to help the PLN, I decided to make Website-Based Design Build Grade an Competency Level Based on the website using the Laravel Framework. This system is implemented with the waterfall method which has a stage of needs analysis, system design, implementation, testing and maintance. Based on the results of a trial through a questionmaire to PLN employees, especially in the field of HR development, it was found that 74% of the system was as expected, 82% made it easier for HR employees to find out the results of Grade and Competency Level Increases, 68% of the information data stored accurately and according added, 68% simplifies HR employees performance and 56% of the display and function buttons on the system are easy to understand.
Keywords: Information, Competency Level, HR employees.