Saat ini keterampilan literasi sudah menjadi kebutuhan, oleh karena itu orang IPA harus memiliki keterampilan literasi sains yang di dalamnya termasuk literasi oceanic. Daerah Paciran sebagai daerah yang dekat dengan pantai, kemampuan literasi oceanicnya rendah. Indikator literasi oceanic sendiri adalah mampu memahami prinsip penting dan konsep dasar tentang lautan, mampu mengomunikasikan tentang pentingnya laut dengan cara yang bermakna, dan mampu membuat keputusan yang terinformasi dan bertanggung jawab mengenai lautan dan sumber dayanya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan LKS untuk melatihkan literasi oceanic siswa SMP kelas VII yang layak berdasarkan tiga aspek yakni validitas, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. LKS ini berisi 5 kegiatan yang berfokus pada aspek literasi sains dan pengamatan secara langsung (direct observation) untuk melatihkan literasi oceanic. Metode yang digunakan adalah R&D dan one group pretest-posttest Design. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode validasi, observasi, angket, dan tes. Hasil validasi ditinjau tiga syarat yaitu syarat didaktik, konstruksi, dan teknis didapatkan nilai kecenderungan sebesar 5 dengan kategori sangat layak. Aspek kepraktisan ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, didapatkan nilai persentase keterlaksanaan sebesar 100% sehingga sudah terlaksana dengan baik, selanjutnya berdasarkan aktivitas siswa dalam kelompok secara keseluruhan yang dominan muncul adalah melakukan kegiatan pada LKS, aktivitas siswa berbasis keterampilan literasi oceanic mengalami peningkatan dari pertemuan 1 yaitu 58,6% hingga pertemuan kelima yaitu sebesar 69,43%, dan nilai persentase respon siswa sebesar 98,9%. Aspek keefektifan diperoleh dari hasil pre-test dan post-test, dari total 30 siswa, sebanyak 24 siswa mendapat skor n-gain di kategori tinggi dan 6 siswa mendapat skor n-gain di kategori sedang dengan n-gain rata-rata keseluruhan siswa sebesar 0,83 dengan kategori tinggi. Berdasarkan n-gain tersebut menunjukkan terjadinya peningkatan kemampuan literasi oceanic dari hasil pretest ke posttest, adanya peningkatan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya keefektifan perangkat yang digunakan untuk melatihkan literasi oceanic siswa SMP kelas VII pada materi interaksi makhluk hidup.
Kata Kunci: LKS, literasi oceanic, direct observation, interaksi makhluk hidup
At present literacy skills have become a necessity, therefore people of science must have scientific literacy skills which include oceanic literacy. Paciran area as an area close to the coast, low oceanic literacy ability. Oceanic literacy indicator itself is understands the essential Principles and fundamental concepts about the ocean, can communicate about the ocean in a meaningful way, and is able to make informed and responsible decisions regarding the ocean and its resources The aim of this study is to create an eligible worksheet for 7th grade junior high school students to practice oceanic literacy. The worksheet eligibility is determined through three aspects, there are validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The worksheet mainly focuses on three aspects of scientific literacy and direct observation which uses the interaction of living things as its content. The research design used in this study are Research and Development (R&D) and One Group Pretest-Posttest Design, with quantitative descriptive analysis and data collection techniques such as validation, observation, questionnaire, and test. The results of the validation were reviewed in three conditions, namely the didactic, construction, and technical requirements, a trend value of 5 was obtained with a very feasible category. The practicality aspect in terms of the learning implementation, the percentage of the performance obtained by 100% so that it has been implemented well, then based on the activities of students in the group as a whole that appears dominant is doing activities in LKS, student activity based on oceanic literacy skills has increased from meeting 1 namely 58, 6% until the fifth meeting that is equal to 69.43%, and for the percentage score of students' response is 98,9%. For effectiveness aspect is obtained from the pre-test and post-test results, from a total of 30 students, 24 students received n-gain scores in the high category and 6 students received n-gain scores in the medium category with an overall student n-gain average of 0.83 with the high category. Based on the n-gain shows an increase in the ability of oceanic literacy from the results of the pretest to posttest, the increase shows that the effectiveness of the device used to train oceanic literacy of seventh-grade junior high school students on the material interaction of living things
Keywords: Student worksheet, oceanic literacy, direct observation,interaction of living things