The Effect of Fear of Missing Out on Impulsive Buying Tendencies in Gen Z
Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemajuan teknologi yang menyebabkan terjadinya pergeseran pemasaran dari toko offline ke e-commerce. Kemudahan konsumen dalam melakukan pembelian di e-commerce menyebabkan mereka rentan mengalami kecenderungan impulsive buying termasuk Gen Z. Penelitian ini dilandasi oleh keinginan peneliti untuk mencari besaran pengaruh fear of missing out (FoMO) yang dikaitkan dengan kecenderungan impulsive buying pada Gen Z. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode kuantitatif dengan subjek berjumlah 240 Gen Z pada angkatan 2023 di jurusan X di Universitas X di Kota Surabaya, Indonesia dengan kriteria berusia 17-22 tahun dan merupakan pengguna aktif e-commerce. Instrumen yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Skala Fear of Missing Out dan Skala Impulsive Buying. Teknik analisa data menggunakan uji regresi linear sederhana dengan memanfaatkan program SPSS versi 20.0 for Windows. Hasil uji regresi linear sederhana menunjukkan p-value = 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti terdapat pengaruh FoMO terhadap impulsive buying, sehingga H1 yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini dapat diterima. Hasil lainnya menunjukkan nilai R Square sejumlah 0.129. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan pengaruh FoMO terhadap impulsive buying sebesar 13%.
This research was motivated by technological advances that caused a shift in marketing from offline stores to e-commerce. The ease with which consumers make purchases in e-commerce makes them vulnerable to impulsive buying tendencies, including Gen Z. This study is based on the desire of researchers to find the magnitude of the influence of fear of missing out (FoMO), which is associated with impulsive buying tendencies in Gen Z. This study uses a quantitative method approach with 240 Gen Z subjects in the class of 2023 in the X department at X University in Surabaya City, Indonesia, with criteria aged 17–22 years who are active users of e-commerce. The instruments used in this study were the Fear of Missing Out Scale and the Impulsive Buying Scale. The data analysis technique uses a simple linear regression test by utilizing the SPSS program version 20.0 for Windows. The results of a simple linear regression test show a p-value = 0.000 < 0.05, which means that there is an influence of FoMO on impulsive buying so the H1 proposed in this study is acceptable. Other results show an R square value of 0.129. This value shows the influence of FoMO on impulsive buying by 13%.