This study aims to describe and analyze 1) the process of
character education training for security forces outsourching in BUJP PT.
Shelter Nusantara Surabaya, 2) response or response from users of security
services (customers / customers) to work environment security services. This
character education training is carried out at the Audio Visual Production and
Information Center of the Ministry of Public Works and the East Java Regional
research is a descriptive study with a qualitative method approach. The
subjects of this study are managers, instructors, trainees, customers. Data
collection techniques used the method of participant observation, in-depth
interviews, and documentation. Analysis of the data used is data reduction,
data presentation, and data verification or conclusion drawing. Whereas in the
validity test the data uses credibility, transferability, reliability, and
results in this study indicate that (1) The process of character education
training for security forces outsourching namely, a) recruitment of training
participants, b) identification of learning needs, c) training objectives, d)
character education training curriculum, e) instructors, f) facilities and
infrastructure for character education training, g) the cost of training, h)
the requirements for training participants at the pratama and middlemen
training, i) training evaluation. (2) responses and responses from security
service users (customers / customers), namely, a) responses and responses from
the management regarding character education training especially for training
participants, b) responses and responses from instructors about character
education training especially for trainees, c) response and response from
customers or customers
Keywords: Implementation
of Character Education Training, Security Needs, Service Services