Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa, ketrampilan mind mapping dan hasil belajar siswa diterapkannya model Collaborative Learning pada materi sistem gerak pada manusia. Subjek penelitian ini kelas VIII-C SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dua metode yaitu observasi untuk mengetahui keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dan metode tes untuk peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data deskriptif kuantitatif. Data hasil penelitian, bahwa 1) Keterlaksanaan pembelajaran pada pertemuan pertama modus 3 dengan kriteria baik pada pertemuan yang kedua modus 4 kriteria sangat baik; 2) Aktivitas siswa menunjukkan kriteria yang sangat baik; dan 3) Hasil belajar pretest rata-rata siswa mencapai 57,52 pada posttest mencapai rata-rata 88,36 mengalami peningkatan dan didapat pada perhitungan uji t menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pretest dan posttest bahwa ada pengaruh positif yang ditimbulkan dari pembelajaran Collaborative Learning terhadap hasil belajar IPA materi sistem gerak pada manusia. Nilai hasil pembelajaran berpengaruh dalam peningkatan hasil belajar di kelas VIII-C N-gain diperoleh rata-rata 0,7 dengan kriteria yang tinggi.
Simpulan dari hasil bahwa penerapan pembelajaran model Collaborative Learning pada materi sistem gerak pada manusia dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.
Kata Kunci: . Model Collaborative Learning,, Hasil Belajar.
This study aims to describe the feasibility of learning, student activities, skills mind mapping and student learning outcomes, the Collaborative Learning model applied to the motion system material in humans. The subjects of this study were class VIII-C of SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Data collection techniques used two methods, namely observation to determine the implementation of learning and test methods to improve student learning outcomes. Quantitative descriptive data collection techniques. Data from the research results, that 1) Implementation of learning in the first meeting of mode 3 with criteria both at the second meeting mode 4 criteria is very good; 2) Student activity shows very good criteria; and 3) The results of the average pretest learning of students reached 57.52 in the posttest reached an average of 88.36 experiencing an increase and obtained in the calculation of the t test showed there were significant differences between the pretest and posttest that there was a positive influence generated from Collaborative Learning towards the learning outcomes of IPA material motion systems in humans. The value of learning outcomes has an effect on increasing learning outcomes in class VIII-C N-gain obtained by an average of 0.7 with high criteria. Conclusions from the results that the application of Collaborative Learning model learning in motion system material in humans can improve student learning outcomes. Keywords: : Collaborative Learning Model, , Learning Outcomes.
This study aims to describe the feasibility of learning, student activities, skills mind mapping and student learning outcomes, the Collaborative Learning model applied to the motion system material in humans. The subjects of this study were class VIII-C of SMP Negeri 3 Sidoarjo. Data collection techniques used two methods, namely observation to determine the implementation of learning and test methods to improve student learning outcomes. Quantitative descriptive data collection techniques. Data from the research results, that 1) Implementation of learning in the first meeting of mode 3 with criteria both at the second meeting mode 4 criteria is very good; 2) Student activity shows very good criteria; and 3) The results of the average pretest learning of students reached 57.52 in the posttest reached an average of 88.36 experiencing an increase and obtained in the calculation of the t test showed there were significant differences between the pretest and posttest that there was a positive influence generated from Collaborative Learning towards the learning outcomes of IPA material motion systems in humans. The value of learning outcomes has an effect on increasing learning outcomes in class VIII-C N-gain obtained by an average of 0.7 with high criteria.
Conclusions from the results that the application of Collaborative Learning model learning in motion system material in humans can improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords: : Collaborative Learning Model, , Learning Outcomes.